Hi folks, I've googled and checked the archive, but haven't been able to locate a TCL script for our little eggdrop which will auto voice nicks on entry to a room. The catch is that nicks which should be auto-voiced should only be those that have a last letter z or Z... And devoice user, if user cha...
<&dd> !addbl n1nj4 aha
-bot- SYNTAX: !addbl <nick>!<user>@<host> [reason] [bantime]
How to make, if i'm set only nick, no <user>@<host>, script will ban host, example:
<user> !addbl n1nj4 haha
* bot sets mode: +b *!*@
Why it doesn't detect spam? :( ### Features: # * Sets a 2 Minute Channel ban on user who writes any of the # defined words # * Doesn't ban users with +o OR +f flags # * Logs ALL user/op messages containing the defined words # * Strips Character Codes from Messages ### Set Advertising Words that you ...
asdd1: If you're using the piece of code posted by me, it's meant to replace the pv_kick2 in the script posted by speechles. Regardless which you use, you'll need to set the variable bannedwords to a list of "badwords". I'm using the speechles variant and it doesnt detect :(. Regardless w...