I would like to know if anyone can make a scipt that would be able to show MLB game scores live. It would be nice if it could do NFL and NBA, but it's not as important to me. I have seen a few on other bots, but their authors do not seem to want to share them. I would be willing to donate to the wri...
I tried doing this and now I get this problem. [23:13] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf': [23:13] wrong # args: should be "proc name args body" while executing "proc htmlcodes {tempfile} proc htmlcodes {text} { # code below is neccessary to prevent numerous html markups # from appearin...
Thank you, I am not sure about what tcl he is using and I don't think he knows much about it either so I really don't know what to do in this regard. I changed that option to 0 and now it seems to be working.
is there a way to fix this? Tcl error [mess_join]: couldn't open "data/h_message.dat": no such file or directory Tcl error [incith::google::public_message]: invalid command name "zlib" I checked with the admin and he told me it was running 8.6 TCL can I just disable zlib ? /home/...
Just remove them yourself, it's not difficult. I am also getting the same error
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