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Search found 12 matches

by sutkida
Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:12 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: VoiceOnJoin by LaCkShaDoW
Replies: 6
Views: 7437 works when the user quits and connect and rejoins the channel..but how about if the user just part the channel and rejoin later?tried that and it does voice the user even not logged to X.. i think it only works when the user quits..but when user gets the following errors: Read error: Operatio...
by sutkida
Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:38 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: VoiceOnJoin by LaCkShaDoW
Replies: 6
Views: 7437

nice script..i am recently using it with my bot..but there's this bug i found..when the user got disconnected and rejoins the channel, the bot still voices the user even if not logged to X anymore..the bot keeps log of the nick and recognize it as if the user is still logged to X and voice the user..
by sutkida
Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:57 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: UNOFFICIAL incith-google 2.1x (Nov30,2o12)
Replies: 855
Views: 1075726

Here's their site: Before running the bot, I comment the line: #source scripts/tclname.tcl so the bot can run.Coz when it us uncommented,it won't run.Then I'll just edit the eggdrop.conf and remove the "#" next to the line. Rehash the bot and it will successfully be re...
by sutkida
Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:42 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: UNOFFICIAL incith-google 2.1x (Nov30,2o12)
Replies: 855
Views: 1075726

It won't work. I got an error. Heard of a&a light script by the way? That's what is installed in my eggdrop. Its eggdrop.conf is different from the eggdrop.conf without a&a light script installed in it.
by sutkida
Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:24 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: UNOFFICIAL incith-google 2.1x (Nov30,2o12)
Replies: 855
Views: 1075726

speechles, just a question: Is there any way in the code that I can just place the specific channel where the results will be displayed? I can't let the script to work by using the ".chanset #channel +google." I have a script installed in my eggdrop which doesn't support with that setting.
by sutkida
Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:01 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: How to exempt ops and voiced users
Replies: 2
Views: 2409

tried the code but didn't worked.but it's ok now..found an alternative to's the full code btw. ### Features: # * Sets a 2 Minute Channel ban on user who writes any of the # defined bad words # * Doesn't ban users with +o OR +f flags # * Logs ALL user/op messages containing the defined word...
by sutkida
Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:40 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: How to exempt ops and voiced users
Replies: 2
Views: 2409

How to exempt ops and voiced users

proc filter_bad_words {nick uhost handle channel args} { global badwords badreason banmask botnick bwduration set args [ccodes:filter $args] set handle [nick2hand $nick] set banmask "*![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" foreach badword [string tolower $badwords] { if...
by sutkida
Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:36 pm
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Mute Script for Typing too much
Replies: 10
Views: 7077

It's not working. :( how about this code: # actban variable is setting ban time # use 0 to make perm set actban 2 bind pubm - "*" ban:act proc ban:act { nick uhost hand dest key text } { #uncomment next line to exclude chanops #if [!isop $nick] return newban *!*$uhost $::botnick action_ban...
by sutkida
Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:15 am
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Mute Script for Typing too much
Replies: 10
Views: 7077

set textftrigger 5:2 bind pubm - * textf bind ctcp - ACTION actionf proc textf {nick uhost hand chan arg} { global textftrigger textf if {![info exists textf([set f [string tolower $uhost:$chan]])]} { set textf($f) 0 } utimer [lindex [split $textftrigger :] 1] [list incr textf($f) -1] if {[incr tex...
by sutkida
Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:57 am
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Mute Script for Typing too much
Replies: 10
Views: 7077

ultralord wrote:use Search on main page.. you can use many tcl with anti-flood system and you can edit to make only ban and not kick or something.
As you can see, I'm no good in TCL..And I'm too noob for it..I can't edit it by myself that's why I'm requesting here.. :(
by sutkida
Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:13 am
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Mute Script for Typing too much
Replies: 10
Views: 7077

still waiting for someone with a nice heart to make me this kind of script.And you know I'm a noob when it comes to TCLs.. :cry: A little help please..
by sutkida
Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:16 pm
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Mute Script for Typing too much
Replies: 10
Views: 7077

Mute Script for Typing too much

Hi! I've been around already searching for this kind of script but wasn't able to find it. Anyway,here's how this script will work: <[nick]> Line1 <[nick]> Line2 <[nick]> Line3 <[nick]> Line4 <[nick]> Line5 <[nick]> Line6 * Bot sets mode: +b [nick]!* <Bot> We need to restrain you ...