Hi Sorry for the late answer. The chan name (allowed_chans variable) is case sensitive ; could you verify that you exactly mention the right chan name please ? ++ In french : Salut, Je suppose que tu parles français pour utiliser ce script. Désolé de répondre tardivement mais je ne consulte pas ce f...
chuck.tcl Description : Very simple script which displays a random chuck norris fact from the french website www.chucknorrisfacts.fr ; it includes a flood control mechanism. Moreover, displayed facts are saved and displayed again in case of website crash. Edit few parameters and check that database...
vdm.tcl Description : Very simple script which displays a random quote from the french website www.viedemerde.fr ; it includes a flood control mechanism. Edit few parameters before compiling. This script uses its own namespace in order not to interfere with other scripts. The script can be download...