i had the same problem last night. what it did was changing the "eggdrop" file i've used the wget stuff to get the eggdrop to my system, compiled it, done everything which is necessary...after typing ./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf nothing happened. it said the bot is running but it wasn't..afte...
there's a script like this called tvshow.tcl written by Ryal it gets the data from episodeworld.com ##################### # EPisodeWorld 1.4 # ##################### # Enable with .chanset #channel +epw # Set your chan name here set mychan "#szabadka" # e.g. set tgcmdhelp "helpme"...
hello there! is there any way to add an ipv6 ip as a server in the eggdrop.conf? i was searching the web for a solution but with no luck... the only thing i'v found is adding ipv6 to psybnc :( a friend Ofloo said it's possible somehow, but he can remember how :( [@Ofloo]: i think it was with [::] th...
hahahaha the solution was in front of my eyes! :DDD thanks for your help :)) proc isdupe {url} { set r 0 if {![catch {open "scripts/ignored.txt" r} rf]} { while {![eof $rf]} { if {[string match -nocase *${url}* [gets $rf]]} { set r 1 break } } close $rf } return $r } and the ignored urls g...
thanks, the error is now gone... so i just need to change ${url} to what i want to be ignored? something like proc isdupe {url} { set r 0 if {![catch {open "/home/zerodtk/public_html/log/index.php" r} rf]} { while {![eof $rf]} { if {[string match -nocase *szabadka* [gets $rf]]} { set r 1 b...
what about this one came from Ofloo proc isdupe {url} { if {![catch {open $catch:path r} rf]} { set r 0 while {![eof $rf]} { if {[string match -nocase *${url}* [gets $rf]]} { set r 1 break } } close $rf } } and adding it where it catches the urls proc catch_url_pubm {nick host hand chan arg} { if {[...
it was set to w+ not a+ actually its not deleting the header now but deletes the <!-- post here ---> and the first few characters of the footer.. proc catch_url_pubm {nick host hand chan arg} { if {[regexp -nocase {(http://[^\s]+)} $arg -> url]} { if {![catch {open scripts/urllogger.txt "a+&quo...
the error is now gone this what happens the file looks like header goes here <!-- post here ---> footer goes here instead of putting the post between <!-- post here ---> and footer it looks like <!-- post here ---> http://www.google.com/2 it deletes the footer and the header too :( and just changes ...