I tested what caesar posted without luck Here is the code I have now: # YouTube (Eggdrop/Tcl), Version 1.3 # # (c) creative (QuakeNet - #computerbase), 15. Feb. 2012 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License, see...
can someone please help me get this working. I have loaded this script as youtube.tcl but for some reason the bot won't respond to anything in channel for this script. I tried doing .chanset #chan +youtube without any luck. here is the script # YouTube (Eggdrop/Tcl), Version 1.3 # # (c) creative (Qu...
Thank you guys, I figured it out. Not sure how it got changed but in the script the trigger was set to both . and ! which cause a parsing problem. Speechles, I wasn't trying to say there was anything wrong with the script. I honestly thought i was having issues with my bot. this script and all other...
Thanks for the reply, yes the channel allows both bold and colors. both nets run Unrealircd with Anope and neostats. One more thing. I have installed Fordlawnmower's horoscope script to make sure that the bot is working correctly. I did ".chanset #revolusongs +horo" for that script and all...
Hey guys I am missing something. I have this script running on one net in many channels and it works great. it's been there since the release of v2.9a. My issue is that I am trying to set this up on a second net running in two channels, I of course have no problem getting the bot to connect and join...