I have a variable that stores the artist name and the song separated by a hyphen. The variable can return this format: Artist-Song or this format: Artist - Song I have made this script that works only for one of the options. Example: bind pub n|n !t testing proc testing {nick uhost handle chan text}...
nml375, The solution for mIRC is as follows: I put the code in an image because there are characters (ETX and SI) that can not be seen well in this forum http://i68.tinypic.com/2nk1lih.png The ETX code you see in the image is obtained by pressing the Control (Ctrl) key + K key in the mIRC client win...
Exact. Is that in mIRC is very different from the list of ASCII characters that apply to Windows. I have tried with the ALT + number key, and it gives different results in mIRC than in Words (Office). In short, it is something graphical, that in no way affects the operation of your TCL. Thanks for e...
A solid triangle pointing to the left and the number 9 are now shown.
ASCII characters do not have the same number in mIRC.
I have tried several ASCII numbers, but I can not seem to show the solid block.
The script works correctly, the only thing that does not show up well is the colour lag meter. There seems to be a problem with the charset. @juanam ¦ .ping Peter @myBoT ¦ Compliance (juanam) ▌▌▌▌▌â&...
Ok fireblade, you have the same eggdrop configuration as me.
I hope that reinstalling the Defero will solve the problem.
See this post in case it can help you.
You can also see this other post.
Good lucky!
There are a lot of potential problem sources in this. Where are you getting the data from originally? If it's a script can you pastebin it somewhere or here? I get the data per socket from the Shoutcast website, see Shoutcast TCL by domsen . The name of the song is stored in the cursong variable. A...
fireblade, please type in the partyline .status and paste here the results of eggdrop running version and tcl libray. Then, look at the port that connects your eggdrop BoT, sending a DCC or CTCP by your IRC client. Like this: /ctcp Your_BoT chat The result will be something like this: 19:50 => DCC Y...
As I mentioned before, BoT does not respond to \t ... Try it with a space before and after the \t . I seem to remember that is what I had to do. I have tried what you advised me and it does not work, the BoT ignores the \t is as if they did not exist, nor does it give error. The tabulator (\ t) ass...
Currently I use: Eggdrop v1.6.21, Configured with: '--with-handlen = 32' Tcl library: /usr/share/tcl8.5 Tcl version: 8.5.13 (header version 8.5.13) OS: Linux 3.10.23-xxxx-std-ipv6-64-vps Tcl is threaded. How did I solved so that the ascii characters, latin accents, and the Ñ ñ letters could be visua...
As I mentioned before, BoT does not respond to \t I do not know if it's because of the eggdrop version I use or because the librarys are old. :? I tried to update the libraries, but when recompiling I did not work parts of my codes. I also tried to update the eggdrop to the latest version, but I do ...
I replaced the putmsg with for the puthelp "PRIVMSG... and the results are still not tabulated. If you look at the result that you have shared, you will see that the numbers are not aligned. I want the point (numbers) to all begin in the same column, regardless of the number of characters in th...