I sent the script to crazycat but i guess he can't or don't have the interest about it, nway thank you egghelp or eggheads hahaha :D :D :D :D <nobody>!coin btc <ethereum> ««[ Bitcoin (BTC) ]»» Price: $85849.37238241105 USD ☢ 1h: ▼ -0.16791785% ☢ 1d: ▼ -1.34674824% ☢ 1w: ▲ 0.80632246% ☢ 1m: ▼ -11.24...
I sent the script to crazycat but i guess he can't or don't have the interest about it, nway thank you egghelp or eggheads hahaha :D :D :D :D <nobody>!coin btc <ethereum> ««[ Bitcoin (BTC) ]»» Price: $85849.37238241105 USD ☢ 1h: ▼ -0.16791785% ☢ 1d: ▼ -1.34674824% ☢ 1w: ▲ 0.80632246% ☢ 1m: ▼ -11.245...
Is it secret ? yes because there are people selling it and i don't wanna destroy there business The doubt arises that there is also something illegal it's your opinion hehehe nway thank you for your response but since when crypto prices tcl script became illegal, are you kidding me bro?
Kia Ora, needs help, i tried and tried and keep trying but hoping to have a way to do it here # Bind !coin command for user requests bind pub - !coin fetch_coin_command # Function to handle the !coin command proc fetch_coin_command {nick host handle channel arg} { if {[string length $arg] == 0} { pu...