Hi, I have a script but it won't work, what is the solution for this ? bind time - "43 12 4 * *" msg:videoland1 proc msg:videoland1 {nick host hand chan arg} { global botnick opchan videoland trigger statschan if {$botnick == "$videoland"} { putserv "PRIVMSG $statschan :${tr...
Can you also made a little script to see how much money some one have with the command !money and from the same users.txt Thanks alot for this, the script you made i like it very much.
This is in tcl script bind pub - ${trigger}register pub:register proc pub:register {nick host hand chan arg} { set fname "money.txt" set fp [open $fname "r"] set data [read -nonewline $fp] close $fp set lines [split $data "\n"] set searchresult "" foreach line...
If this scripts works and some one type .pay topic that er will be removed 10 euro's from the user account and if they type !register they will be added to the userlist and get 50 euro to expand by this robot. This is a little bit the intention to work. I hope you can help me
Hi, The next text i want it in tcl. i tried but it is not done for me. I don't no why but for me it's complicated. on users:text:!pay*:#: { if (%cmd == on) { goto begin } if (%cmd == off) { goto end | halt } :begin if ($2 == topic) { goto topic } if ($2 == cola) { goto cola } :topic if ( $readini(us...