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Search found 23 matches

by digitaldj
Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:00 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: Restart
Replies: 0
Views: 1135


Found it out myself. -Delete this topic-
by digitaldj
Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:32 pm
Forum: Archive
Topic: RFC
Replies: 5
Views: 1335

i was thinking more about how they link eachother, talk to eachother etc.. stuff like that
by digitaldj
Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:07 pm
Forum: Archive
Topic: RFC
Replies: 5
Views: 1335


does eggdrop have an RFC or something?
by digitaldj
Thu Feb 06, 2003 10:55 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: Lines in file
Replies: 12
Views: 2147

well, i just thought it maybe was a single command for it or something.. like in mIRC it's just $lines(file.txt)
by digitaldj
Thu Feb 06, 2003 10:39 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: Lines in file
Replies: 12
Views: 2147

ok.. i knew that, but i thought it might be something more simple..
by digitaldj
Thu Feb 06, 2003 9:57 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: Lines in file
Replies: 12
Views: 2147

Lines in file

how can i find out how many lines there is in a file? :wink:
by digitaldj
Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:10 pm
Forum: Archive
Topic: exec help
Replies: 10
Views: 3062

Code: Select all

if {[catch {set output [exec $binary $who]} err]} { 
  set output $err 
worked :D thanks.
by digitaldj
Thu Jan 16, 2003 11:40 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: exec help
Replies: 10
Views: 3062

i cant paste my own code, since im not home and the server is local, but the script im talking about here now only does this:

set binary {/glftpd/bin/}
set who [lindex $text 0]
set output [exec $binary $who]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$output"

so how do i change where to output?
by digitaldj
Thu Jan 16, 2003 11:17 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: exec help
Replies: 10
Views: 3062

well, the script i downloaded that worked on a linux server, is a addon for the glftpd. the error is:

[13:56] Tcl error [pub:trialscript]: user is missing 2000 MB to pass with 3 days remaining, which means another 666 MB per day (2000 MB/week).

it's the same type of error on my script.
by digitaldj
Thu Jan 16, 2003 10:55 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: exec help
Replies: 10
Views: 3062

hmm.. well, there is one thing. i downloaded some other script with exec and .sh, and it runs perfect on a linux server with the newest eggdrop. but when i tried it on a freebsd with the newest 'drop it came with a tcl error. any diffrense between the os's when it comes to eggdrop? hm. might be the ...
by digitaldj
Thu Jan 16, 2003 10:30 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: exec help
Replies: 10
Views: 3062

hehe.. yea, should help :P thanks.
by digitaldj
Thu Jan 16, 2003 9:45 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: exec help
Replies: 10
Views: 3062

exec help

hi. I'm working on a little script, and it's suppose to run a .sh file. But if the return is more than 1 line, it gives a TCl error. i was told to use 'foreach', so can anyone give me an example or something? thanks.
by digitaldj
Sun Jan 12, 2003 12:11 pm
Forum: Archive
Topic: Share userfile
Replies: 4
Views: 1133

they weren't.. hmm. strange.
by digitaldj
Sun Jan 12, 2003 10:47 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: Share userfile
Replies: 4
Views: 1133

Share userfile

im sure there has been a lot of postes about this, but ill shoot: Im trying to make my bots share userfiles, and iv done this on the leaf: .+bot Hub .botattr Hub +pg hub: .+bot Leaf .botattr Leaf +sg the hub tries to send the userfile, but the leaf rejects and says "not sharing userfiles" ...
by digitaldj
Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:12 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: Strip Html
Replies: 5
Views: 1326

ah, nice. thanks.