Hmm.. although I dont fully understand what it does, it seems to work :) Thanks for your help!!! It's quite simple. At the beggining you were trying to open socket every time when bot was started/restarted/rehashed. As you know you cannot bind same port to the same IP many times without closing pre...
Actually http package is not a part of any Eggdrop version. It's a Tcl package and it's installed with Tcl so all you have to do is to upgrade your Tcl and recompile your Eggdrop with newest Tcl version. That`s all what you can find about it on google. Actually you can find a bit more, like for example Readme file, but as you noticed it's an Eggdrop modification which encrypts some important files. It won't help you encrypt whole directory. I don't...
It's not the first bot wrote in PHP. I rember Slavee project which looks and works preety nice. Too bad it's not developed anymore. I wish you good luck with that project. Maybe one day it'll something like tcldrop today :)