It's a worm using a fixed nicklist. set wormnicks "aldora alysia amalina amorita anita april ara aretina barbra becky bella bettina blenda briana bridget caitlin camille cara carla carmen catherin chelsea cindy clarissa damita danielle daria diana donna dora doris ebony eden eliza emily erika e...
Ok, found a solution for that. Just for the records here the way on retriving the range of ips on a given CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) ip like set max_ip [expr ($min_ip + round(pow(2, [expr 32 - $subnetmask]))) - 1] Subnetmask is the part after / in CIDR. The formula returns...
I wrote a little tcl script to do a whois lookup on a certain ip like and return the country and the ip-range. If the ip-range is in the format " -" everything is ok, I can turn the ips into longips and store them for later lookups in a mysql db. But sometim...
if {![info exists requestcache($nick)]} { set response "Please use #findscrim to find scrims" set requestcache($nick) "[unixtime] 0" } else { set requests [lindex [split $requestcache($nick)] 1] if { ($requests >= 3) } { #kick ban ... whatever } incr requests set requestcache($n...
You would need to timestamp the handled nicks. array set requestcache {} proc helptext {nick uhost hand chan text} { global botnick requestcache ... if [regexp {(\dv\d|\d v \d).*(\your|\yyour)} $helptext] { if {![info exists requestcache($nick)]} { set response "Please use #findscrim to find sc...
you can't install mysqltcl on a shell.
First requirement would be a mysql db and IF a shellrunner has installed it - he has for sure that package installed.
set a lock. For example like this here: bind pubm - * helptext set helpflock 0 proc helptext {nick uhost hand chan text} { global helpflock set response default if [string match $helpflock 1] { return } set helpflock 1 set notagain 4;# change this to a value in secounds that fits your need set helpt...