Its running Debian-4 I believe and it basically caused my Virtual Server to run out of memory had the support guy look at it and he added more memory and it still ran out of memory apparently. 0.094 no such problems though I did receive an error stating that I was trying to run it without installing...
Wanted to say a quick thank you Compiled znc today although for some reason the latest one just kept making the shell crash so on 0.094 instead of 0.096 but if it works I can live with that. Instantly better connection so im happy and although a little confusing at first znc looks pretty good so tha...
Looking for something that does the same sorts of things as psybnc, Ive used it for some time so i kinda know my way around it but lately things have gone from bad to worse with it. For a long time I had the same problem where I could connect fine one day but the next day I tried I was unable to con...
Im looking to time how long a process takes, so that it can say search took xx seconds for eg. I can get it to give me in seconds but since some will complete in less than a second I was wondering how to get miliseconds any help appreciated. * edit * I think i figured it out but please tell me if th...
lol typical that it would be that easy I expected the solution to be a little more difficult than that thanks for the reply appreciated. Havent tested it but if its that easy to delete then Im sure it will be fine.
I need a bot to write to a temp file send that fiel via dcc then delete it is it even possible? I understand how to write to a file and I also know how to dcc that file but what about delete the file is it possible? Would I need to set a time to delete the file or could I do it after use? Im sorry i...
My bot dies when the mysql server goes down and while the server doesnt go down often it is a little frustrating so I wanted to know if there is anything I can do to prevent this happening as it also wont start back up if it cant connect to the mysql server. Basically the code to connect is very sim...
There is more than one process opening and supposedly closing files but it doesnt appear to do so I have made sure that all the processes call the files by different names so as not to get them confused in any way but nothing I do seems to fix this problem I have tried just the one process so as to ...
Having problems with my eggdrops not closing files to the point that they end up reaching the maximum allowed currently set at 1024 using pretty much this code set found 0 set fs [open $db r] while {![eof $fs]} { gets $fs line if {$line == $word} { set found 1 } } close $fs if {!$found} { set wfile ...
Well im fairly sure this is more to do with the shell but I was hoping someone here could help me. I recently changed shells now on my last shell my bots where stable but the company was no so great the new shell has far better support but sadly things where no so stable so asked there support to lo...
ideally you want time in seconds of your pretime Now im not sure what your $timestamp looks like if its just unixtime but at the time of the pre then set ago [expr $timestamp -[unixtime]] is all you need and youll be left with the amount of seconds between those two times. if timestamp is more like ...
This doesnt appear to work for me so im confused i tried to do it on a bind time basis and nothing also did it on a trigger and that didnt work either. bind pub - !clear clear proc clear {} { global db set f [open $db w] close $f } Actually the above code just give an error when i try Tcl error [cle...