so its not possible to do just what i asked...i.e. kick/ban anyone msging the bot with the exception of owners...these COULD be spammers but also could be illegal attempts to acces the bot....??
Can any help with a script that will ban or kick anyone messaging the bot
with certain exceptions....i think this may be a good script for banning/kicking certain types of part/join spam bots that msge everyone either onjoin or when they connect and for unauthorised attempts to access the bot.
hello all i'm something of a newbie with the eggdrops but i'm trying to make mine identify to nickserv...from what i have gleaned from the messages i've read about this and associated subjects i came to the conclusion that the following needed to be put into the conf proc evnt:init_server {type} { g...
for some reason i am getting 401: No such nick/channel:(botnick) when i try to ident to the bot...i can dcc to the bot fine and the bot is doin its job ok..just this keeps coming up and is prevent known users from re-identing to the bot due to host name changes..any ideas plse??