I have problem with 2 script loaders. 1º script: bind pub o|o !signon whois bind raw - 317 sig proc whois {nick uhost handle chan arg} { global ca set ca $chan foreach user [chanlist $chan] { putserv "WHOIS $user $user" } } proc sig {from key arg} { global ca set nick [lindex [split $arg] ...
Hello, I need script or example that says in a channel nick to me, name of the received file, since I modulate transfer.so comes with its commando predefined when receiving sends notice to nick.
it does not work, gives the following error me: set borra1 "</table>" set modfile [open index.php "r"] set todo [read -nonewline $modfile] close $modfile set lee [split $todo "\n"] set lee [lreplace $borra1 1 2 $borra1] set modfile [open $modfile "w"] puts $mo...
then not like thus causing that it says to me to that line belongs borra1 and being able to erase that line of the file. set borra1 "</table>" set modfile [open index.php "r"] set todo [read -nonewline $modfile] close $modfile set lee [split $todo "\n"] set lee [lreplac...
Thanks strikelight The list of nick appears to me all good, with nicks correct with puts $file "[join $$prueba]" But now not like doing, that in part it clears to nick that it leaves the channel, of the list and sees the others nicks. IE. In Join: [^__^] atest axe In part: (if list leaves ...
I have one problem with chanlist: bind join - "#canal *" topics proc topics {nick uhost hand chan} { if {[string equal -nocase $chan "$chan"]} { set file [open pruebanick w] set cuentame [chanlist $chan] regsub -all "{" $cuentame "" cuentame regsub -all "...