Non-matching handle lengths with botnick, they use 32 characters.
ok.. never ran into this before. tried searching for the error here with no luck. i've linked over 100 bots and have no clue what is causing this..
can anyone shed some light on this?
when i do any command on the hub bot i get this on the leaf(s) Strscream [23:52] netbots: rejected command from ^JetFire^ (incorrect key). .. does this on the leaf as well. i'm assuming.. that's not about at +k channel. there is one channel that is +k that these are on. but since it's rejecting the ...
ok.. yes i've searched here b4 posting this
all i want/need it to do is be able to send to the channel or nick with a trigger, to check and see if my or other peoples ftp stored are running.
Is there such a tcl?
any leads would be REALLY great.