I took the liberty to completely rewrite that script. namespace eval idle { variable author "metroid" variable version "1.0" variable activechans [list #chan1 #chan2 #chan3]; # Idle time in minutes for ops. (set this to 0 to disable) variable idletime 30 # Idle time in minutes fo...
though you told him how to use split and join properly, you still didn't fix that nasty lrange. Using lrange $var 0 end is the exact same as not doing anything at all. In this case, you can just use set title $text because "set title [join [lrange [split $text] 0 end]]" quite simply is the...
Seriously, if you're going to give "non opered" staff access to a gline command and they make the slightest mistake, you could gline the entire network.
You should instead think really hard how smart that is. (NOTE: your non opered staff could gline anyone, including opers)