hello hi have a problem with this code: bind pub - !transferir pub:transferir proc pub:transferir {nick uhost hand chan text} { set cromo1 [lindex $text 0] set cromo2 [lindex $text 1] set resto [lindex $text 2] if {![matchattr $nick o]} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :No access!"; return 0} if {$...
try and try and notting =\ This is the code rewrithem: bind pub - !partidas pub:partidas proc pub:partidas {nick uhost handle chan arg} { set fname "partidas.txt" if {![file exists $fname] } { putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Sem novas partidas"} foreach line [split [read -nonewline $fnam...
no, there is a } before the rest.
i am trying to read a file that exist, and work's, but only read the fist line, and not all =\
And i don't know do it =\
Hello. i was tying to put a egg reading a file, and put the file in the channel or private windows, but the egg only read's the fisrt line, i try lot's of way's, follow wat is in the egg faq called " Basic File Operations" but i can't doint. This is the code: bind msg - !partidas msg:parti...