hmm added a bracket but i tried the commands in IRC and it wont work. bind pub - * triggers proc triggers {nick uhost hand chan arg} { set trigger [lindex [split $arg] 0] switch -exact -- [string tolower $trigger] { "!url" { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Visit us at
Search the TCL Archive as there are plenty of scripts that resolve that problem. Or maybe you might want to consider r-e-a-d-i-n-g your entire conf file , seeing how this easily falls under the purvue of the set init-server variable... :? all it says This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after...
So I want to setup some stuff for my bot. I want it so that if anyone with a name which starts with [11W] they get a +v when they join the channel Along with something basic were if a user says a command it will be done. So if they say !url the bot will respond with our URL to our site !url !contact...