I use BDK's package, in fact only rss.tcl + pkg_mkIndex etc etc as you described it on the first page. Well, I'm trying your link and I get [18:08:48] <Bot-de-test> Currently: invalid command name "" Currently: while executing Currently: "$channel items" Currently: (procedure &qu...
Currently: syntaxerror {syntax error: PUBLIC identifier not followed by system literal around line 1} Currently: while executing Currently: "rss::parse [http::data $token]" Currently: (procedure "retrieve" line 3) Currently: invoked from within Currently: "retrieve $feed&qu...
the problem is not with my script but with your TclLib, read my posting above about that; if you run latest TclLib, try to fix its init routine not to use the global variable version I just edited my /usr/local/lib/tcllib1.7/struct/graph.tcl and commented all version check lines like this : #if { #...
[22:36] couldn't save command result in variable while executing "catch {package require cgraph} version" (file "/usr/local/lib/tcllib1.7/struct/graph.tcl" line 2) ("package ifneeded" script) (file "/usr/local/lib/tcllib1.7/struct/struct.tcl" line 2) ("pa...