ok so you can detach from a telnet session without the session fully terminating. great but it still does not change the fact that when I run the bot and I Don't use the -n switch which is the correct way to run the bot it does not work. I don't want it running in a second console with the -n switch...
right now my bot is sitting in my channel doing everything it should do but to achieve that I have it running in a second console that I can't close or the bot quits.
without the -n it start' without errors but no connections at all in or out
this install insctructions given in that thread are exactly what I did do and have done with all eggdrops I have installed in the past. Alchera i'm sorry if this seems snarky but you do not apear to be fully reading my posts before answering. The bot works fine provided I do not let it launch into t...
yes channel is defined and network stuff is correct too cus if it were not it would not connect when it is launched with the -n switch to keep it in the foreground. it only does not work if it is launched with no switches so it drops to the background Change your 'vhost' and then try, if TELNET isn...
yes channel is defined and network stuff is correct too cus if it were not it would not connect when it is launched with the -n switch to keep it in the foreground.
it only does not work if it is launched with no switches so it drops to the background
I have exactly the same issue here. Initialy started ./eggdrop -m to create the user file and it worked perfect. Then shut the bot down and restarted it normaly without the -m and it launches into the background like you would expect with no errors and then thats it it does nothing else. no server c...