Ok i will save on every 10 seconds should i use this:? bind time - ?10* savelist bind join - * addtolist bind part - * remfromlist bind sign - * remfromlist if {![file exists online.txt]} { close [open online.txt w] } set nicklist [split [read [set oltxt [open online.txt]]] \n][close $oltxt] proc sa...
So this: proc addtolist {nick uhost hand chan} { global nicklist set nick [string tolower $nick] if {[lsearch -exact $nicklist $nick] == -1} { lappend nicklist $nick savelist } } proc remfromlist {nick uhost hand chan rsn} { global nicklist set nick [string tolower $nick] if {[set i [lsearch -exact ...
If people join the channel #blaat the bot must write the nickname to a .txt , if the people leaves #blaat he must he delete the people's name from the .txt.