Hi all, wondering if anyone can help, I'm just looking for a simple script which will display the contents of a web page (just a php page with 1 line of text) when a trigger command is used (such as !page) or something. If someone could write this for me it would be great, and also possibly include ...
Currently I've got a kind-of news script being run from a mirc bot, but I wanted to put it on my eggdrop instead. Anyone know the equivelant in tcl language? on *:text:!news:#: { /msg $chan News: %news } on *:TEXT:!setnews*:#:if ($nick isop $chan) { /set %news $2- } Bascially an op can do !setnews <...
Is there anyway to do this? For example if it knows your host as the owner or something, you can do commands like .+ban from the channel window rather than on the partline in dcc/telnet?
Well, I need a script which will get the users host on join (which I guess is easy enough), resolve it to their IP address and then perform a whois lookup or something on it and then announce to the channel <nick> <(IP)> resides in <location in bold> So for example: (16:42:46) —› join: (jps) (~teste...
I've put it to 300 seconds now. I set up a test feed from the BBC news RSS and it works ok, except for spamming the title and then 30 headlines when I've set the variable maxnew to 3.
It's obviously the website I was originally trying which was causing the problems.
Ok, thanks. I've got it going now, except it doesn't seem to be pulling the RSS feed. I have this in the config: set feeds(#mtavcsux) {10 http://forum.mtavc.com/rss.php} But it keeps giving me: (23:07:11) (~Jani) !rss #mtavcsux (23:07:13) (~Ghost) argument must be number or * (23:07:20) (~Jani) !rss...
Thanks for the help. Are they any you can recommend to me which don't requre me either a) having root; or b) having to install countless packages. All I need it to do is let me input a url to an RSS feed and have it post the latest news to a channel whenever the feed is updated.
Ok, I stuck this script on my eggdrop and when I rehashed it said I needed TCL 8.4 or higher to work, so I've installed TCL 8.4 now and rehashed/restarted the bot, and it still says the same. [08:32] You don't have TCL 8.4, you have to upgrade to version 8.4 or higher to use rss.tcl. I'm guessing it...