version 3.7 has been released i know, i'm already getting ready to be derided for daring to ask (you really have a way with people) but: is there a change list somewhere? also, would it really hurt to take out the stupid die statement. this is the third time i've forgotten about it (yes, i must be ...
I bet you didn't bother to check the website. of course i did! works just fine. as does but for some reason the script isn't reading the data. i straced eggdrop and you d...
how does one query for a city that consists of more than one word. example: le mans fr i tried: .wz le mans fr .wz le+mans fr .wz le%20mans fr .wz "le mans" fr .wz 'le mans' fr .wz le\ mans fr etc. etc. etc. looking at the code it looks like you split on space so multi word cities are brok...