Hi am trying to get this code to work but im haveing difficulty. i do have the vhchan set, the problem im haveing is the proc msg:vhchan dosent seem to work setudef flag vhchan bind pub - !vhost pub:vhost bind notc - * msg:vhchan bind pub - !remove pub:remove bind pub - !help pub:help proc pub:remov...
ok im makeing a vhost script
so when someone says !vhost my.vhost
how do i make the eggdrop msg hostserv to set the host they want
this is what i got so far
putquick "PRIVMSG hostserv :set $nick"
dunno how to send the vhost the user desires to hostserv
hi i get this error Tcl error [pub:help]: wrong # args: should be "pub:help nick chan" what dose this mean? here is the code bind pub - !remove pub:remove bind pub - !help pub:help proc pub:remove {nick chan} { if { $chan == "#vhost" } { putquick "PRIVMSG hostserv :DEL $nick...