if {[regexp -- {^\w+\s\s((\w+\s){1,16}).*$} $trimStr matchStr binaryLine]} { # Skipping headers if {[llength $binaryLine] < $newByteSkip} { ... cut ... set line [ eval "binary format [string repeat "H2" $rtpHdrSkip] $binaryLine"] There are some problems with this script. Up at t...
I just saw this thread and I think I fixed the problem you described. If there are more like that (anything related to ipv6) you could try compiling with ipv6 disabled (in ./configure).
If you run into any more problems post the error here and I'll take a look!
As demond suggested, the easiest way is to use another process via exec or open. This can even be another tcl script, so you can still use your existing code and mysql package if you want. On the other hand, why are you doing a wildcard search against hashes? Seems pretty weird. Since this is such a...
You could use the "catch" command to catch the error. Or use "info exists" with another variable like "already_loaded" and set it when your script is loaded.
Maybe it's an argument to your proc? What De Kus said is really the only way this error could be happening.. you already have a variable called user and it's not an array.
[quote="De Kus" if { [clock format [unixtime] -format %a] != "Sun" } { return } sounds much shorter, easier and faster to me ^-^.[/quote] Two things... first he said "monday or tuesday" so maybe he wants to expand it to be if {$day != "Mon" && $day != ...
Sky, how big is your list anyway? Unless it's really big I doubt this is much of an issue, but if it is, I'll try writing that thing I was talking about in tcl. Still might not make a whole lot of difference but it would be kind of fun.
Tcl's lsearch won't work with -glob and -sorted at the same time. However you could write a search function that does that... it's kind of tricky because you have to split the list up based on where the wildcards are (beginning, middle, end). I was doing something like this for eggdrop 1.9.
I agree people should write scripts for themselves but I also think people have valid excuses for not wanting to take the time to learn. At the same time, it's a fact that there are people in this community who would like to be paid once in a while. This isn't a religion, we're not saving the world ...
Hey, I too have noticed the increased number of requests for complete scripts to be written on the tcl forum. Maybe we should have a new forum for it, like Script Requests. People who post in there should be willing to trade something of value for the script to be written! Mods could move posts in t...