I have players { "freddy" "robert||asd" "mynick" }
I want that scripts searches eggdrop userlist database, and then replaces them with eggdrop username.
if freddy-s eggdrop username is fred, then it replaces it with fred.
using SQL is an overkill for the simple task of reading userfile ONCE (on (re)start) and writing it back ONCE an hour another matter is that the proprietary text format eggdrop uses should be replaced with XML schema, thus allowing for easy userfile manipulation by external tools; but eggdrop is an...
Tosser^^ wrote:Im currently making such a modification at the moment using TCL to overwrite the main proc's and to use a mysql module for the mysql crap. I might make it in C as a proper eggdrop module. I will finish it and release it for testing soon.
We have 4 channels. #channel1 || #channel1.admin || #channel2 || #channel2.admin If operator types "!b nick 3d Leave" in #channel 1, then a message appears in #channel2.admin: "Type !b ID yes, if you want ban (nick length reason)". If someone from #channel2.admin types it, then t...