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Search found 121 matches

by Thanhas
Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:11 pm
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Poetry Script
Replies: 5
Views: 3559

Hero wrote:It Makes Txt File In Your bOt log dir And You Can Put Your Poetry Lines On That File Which Created By Bot In log dir when your rehash bot picks a line and post in channel :)
I hope someone write a script for me, and i am sure its not that hard... anyway thank you for your interest :)
by Thanhas
Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:13 pm
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Poetry Script
Replies: 5
Views: 3559

Please Check This Script Thank you, but this is not what i meant i guess i need Poetry TCL which read from a notepad more then 1000 lines/Poetry , and you know i cant add one by one so if possible, provide me the requested TCL...
by Thanhas
Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:39 am
Forum: Script Requests
Topic: Poetry Script
Replies: 5
Views: 3559

Poetry Script


is it possible to have a TCL which paste poetry on main of a channel or 2 channels each 25 minutes? and The bot picks lines from a notepad?

Thank in advance
by Thanhas
Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:00 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Worldtime1.3.tcl working, again.
Replies: 92
Views: 158940

how can i check ? which version is that

hm2k wrote:What version of tcl do you have installed?
by Thanhas
Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:47 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Worldtime1.3.tcl working, again.
Replies: 92
Views: 158940

when i type .wz london in the partyline this is the msg [07:45] Tcl error [pub:wz]: Unknown option -urlencoding, must be: -accept, -proxyfilter, -proxyhost, -proxyport, -useragent i did it but didnt work :((( Based on the details you're providing (or rather lack of), I'll need shell access in order ...
by Thanhas
Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:57 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Worldtime1.3.tcl working, again.
Replies: 92
Views: 158940

and weather TCL is also making issue got from ur websites [22:37] scripts/weather.tcl error: can't find package html [22:37] scripts/weather.tcl error: http is required, see [22:37] scripts/weather.tcl error: can't find package htmlparse [22:37] scripts/weather.tcl error: Tcl...
by Thanhas
Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:52 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Worldtime1.3.tcl working, again.
Replies: 92
Views: 158940

i did it but didnt work :((( Interesting. If there is no result, it should return the "no result" error, yet in your case it is not. Are you able to reach from the machine that the eggdrop runs on? Try replacing the timeserver setting with instead. Or, better s...
by Thanhas
Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:04 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Worldtime1.3.tcl working, again.
Replies: 92
Views: 158940

lol it took around 2 minutes and sure no result (06:58:09:30:11:10) <@Applets> .tz london (06:59:52:30:11:10) <@ChatAway> The time in London,United Kingdom is Here's what you need: I wrote a new worldtime.tcl which no longer uses a website to get the data. I thought you may find this useful... http:...
by Thanhas
Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:38 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Worldtime1.3.tcl working, again.
Replies: 92
Views: 158940

Re: Worldtime1.3.tcl working, again.

[17:30:31] Tcl error in file 'chat.conf': [17:30:31] invalid command name "\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 ####################################################################### \pa...
by Thanhas
Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:25 am
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)
Replies: 1351
Views: 1102820

Hello Sir_Fz i am waiting for my replay the spam bot dose not work just join part please tell me the way to make it work?

by Thanhas
Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:27 am
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)
Replies: 1351
Views: 1102820

Hello <(HosTer> ap:repeatl: {3:10 60 k:kb 2} <(HosTer> ap:repeatc: {0 30 w:k:kb 2} <(HosTer> ap:codes: {r:35 b:80 u:80 c:80 90 kb 2} <(HosTer> ap:adv: {+ 180 kb 2} <(HosTer> ap:antispam: {- + 10 10} <(HosTer> ap:swear: {+ 120 kb 2} <(HosTer> ap:pqsadv: {s:1 a:1} Its Enabled :(
by Thanhas
Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:10 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)
Replies: 1351
Views: 1102820

i am waiting for replay i am okey with they nick it is wth but its not kickin on spam please tell me how to make that kick on?
by Thanhas
Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:02 am
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)
Replies: 1351
Views: 1102820

The bot dose not kick anyone on PM invite/spam to the spambot please tell me why ?
by Thanhas
Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:38 am
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)
Replies: 1351
Views: 1102820

Hello thanks okey i understand the Nick issue but tell me how can i use .ap:add ? please give me a hint [05:35:50:29:10:09] <Applets> .ap:add [05:35:51:29:10:09] <(HosTer> AP: SYNTAX: .ap:add <bchans/bnicks/bidents/bwords/adexempts/droneexempts/bctcrs/adwords/greetexempts> <#chan/global> <bad chans/...
by Thanhas
Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:20 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)
Replies: 1351
Views: 1102820

Hello Thanks alot so fast replay all i need to do is Edit and paste in allProtection bot right ? ":) i did it but its coming with the botnick + a number like Hoster is bot nick it come online with hoster6 still there is no effect it dosnt kick the inviter i tested it but no effect .chanset #cha...