Thanks, that did it :) how hard is the format text stuff? I mean the correction to instead of Correction : <nick> text to <nick> meant to say : text Fixed with : From ::erratum::display_output help PRIVMSG $chan "${::erratum::prefix}[::tcl::string::map {"\177\177" "" "\...
Hi, I'll do that right away Something did it do :) ~Flame: tester bare lieg ~Flame: s/lieg/lige &OldBoys: Correction : <Flame> tester bare lige kinda missing a 'space' ~Flame: tester bare lieg ~Flame: s/ lieg/lige &OldBoys: Correction : <Flame> tester barelige
Thanks. It works :) Small issue ~Flame: s/ red/røde Error : No match found. Error : No match found. It kinda works but: ~Flame: s/ bar/bare Correction : <Flame> testerbare Correction : <Flame> testerbaree ~Flame: s/bar/bare Correction : <OldBoys> Correction : <Flame> testerbareee
Thanks it does work. I have a small change I would like you to help me with :) Instead of : !erratum could it be done so it uses s/ also this : ::erratum::display_output help PRIVMSG $chan "${::erratum::prefix}[::tcl::string::map {"\177\177" "" "\177" "\002&qu...
Hi, Does anyone have a script that does the following: 1: some text like -> 'I liek your hat' 2: then you should be able to do : s/liek/like and it will write the same text as you did before but with the right word in bold like : I [b]like[/b] your hat I have tried with help from chatGPT but it does...
Morning, when I use the script I think this is what happens. after making the announcement interval 10 mins. and it also shows in chan. and when I logged into irc this morning there where no anounce during the night at all. So im thinking is there a error somewhere or dosn't the script like when i ....