My host doesn't use the latest TCL version. Is there a way to install the newest version in my own and use for my eggdrops? if yes, plz guide. if no, tell me to fight with them
I've been running Nerfbendr's script for more than 6 months. I would like to tell what makes it boring sometimes (b4 all thanx for him for the sctipt) when a player doesn't play in his turn, all other players have to wait till he plays or the game should be stop. i suggest puniching the player like ...
I have been using alot of tcls, but one main problem is always facing me which is using letters that are not latin (i use arabic). These letters are always not desplayed correctly which made the script not running well, such as trivia.( i am dying to run this script in arabic) any suggestions? or ha...
Hi there,
Could anyone help me with a ping script that takes the ping words from the channel then ping the nick, after that write the ping's result in the channel.
thank u in advance