has some one got a compiled windrop with ssl i looked on the site and there is nothing there to help i cant compile it i need a precompiled one.
thanks redline
its good to move the salt file out of the psybnc file Here: psyBNC wget http://bnc.acmeshells.com/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz tar -zxf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz cd psybnc make make menuconfig CONFIG EVERYTHING LEAVE mv salt.h ../. ./psybnc I don't have the salt.h file in my psybnc or ./psybnc/src folder? I am...
Here: znc wget znc-svn-latest.tar.gz tar -zxf znc-svn-latest.tar.gz cd znc-cvs ./configure --prefix=$HOME/ZNC make make install ./znc psyBNC wget http://bnc.acmeshells.com/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz tar -zxf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz cd psybnc make make menuconfig CONFIG EVERYTHING LEAVE mv salt.h ../. ./psy...
Hi, Can some one help me out i want to make a portscan Script that will scan an ip and bring back somthing like this: !portscan $IP * start scanning $IP * 21 (ftp) * 22 (ssh) * 113 (auth) * 8080 (webcache) * scan finished! 51 ports scanned. (open: 4, closed: 4, stealth: 43) this is an other frends e...
Ok guys i have been using this imdb code for a long time and it seems that imdb changes there layout making it useless until you update it heres one thats working 100% now http://overfiend.sessionclan.de/scripts/imdb.html Style is: <REDLiNE> !imdb <b> Star Wars (1983) (VG) - http://www.imdb.com/titl...