Hello, i'am looking for script does //chanserv why #channelname nick , After this command the bot sending notice to me why this nick is op Then after that when the aop invite for some url site it's deleted him or telling some words, i think you guys needs this, the why msg -ChanServ- nick was not fo...
Iam looking for command like this one but in tcl on *:connect:timer 0 8 .join #channelname , and i want to add many channels with !add #channelname with timer
so the bot keep join the channel every 8 secs...
Your's yD^
Thank you guys for your support, but the +e won't let the op banned the nick or the ident and when you banned the nick or ident the user can join as he is not banned ever, so if the bot unbanned the isp and sending notice the ops will banned the nick ,. so i don't need the +e... for the code above w...
Hello again. Then what about just unaband the ip and sending notice to the op who banned the ip to banned the nick not the ip. example:- <op> sets mode: +b *!*@ <Bot>sets mode: -bk *!*f@ Protected.ISP Then sending the notice to the op nick to banned the nick not the ip
Hello, this is the idea: there is many of users useing the same ip from the same isp. so when my ops banned the user there is alot of users can't join the channel and the filter band will kick more than 1 user. so what am looking for is when the ops banned the isp range of user the bot will delete t...
*cough* her If you want to learn how to write your own scripts, I suggest reading the many helpful documents that come with eggdrop and tcl. Particularly the regexp and http manpages. As far as that particular website, eggdrop / tcl doesn't like unicode very much, so I don't know if it would work v...
Hi am just trying to change the code to get the results from another site but the real problem is i can't understand how i can do it ,,, the code of the script is at: http://members.dandy.net/~fbn/nip.tcl.txt the site i want the results comes from is: http://www.cinescape.com.kw/nowshowingframe.php ...