Hey guys, Is there a script for this listed? IF a user been kick by any op 3 times and the bot will auto set ban on tat user within a period of time let say 10mins. can the period of time be change/updated too? can the bot auto unban after a period of time too? OP level will be excuse for this ban R...
Christmas is here ! Merry Christmas to ALL with joy and good cheer and bring smiles to faces ! A very Merry Christmas to fill your hearts with warmth and joy. Cheer.
I m sorry. I have loaded the script and restart the bot. It seen nothing happen while i get an OP nick to enter the channel. Even tat goes for a /nick OPnick change.
Well, just wanna to get those +o +v +f nick to be protected and not to be clone by others. Example : One of the OP nick is @moon and there is a new user enter with the nick moon_456 Can there be a script to scan for those onjoin and /nick change into a protected nick as above with a warn and will kb...
Yes . it does. This is the script " SWEAR KICK/BADWORD KICK SCRIPT BY RANA USMAN " and there is a script form as : - #Set the Users Mode you want to Exempt #The Bot will not kick the user who had the modes you will define below #You can leave it as it is , if you dont know about it #Recomm...