Thanks so much for this, saves so much hassle :) I was wondering if you could tell me how it is possible to "address" an individual socket, using the following example: proc connection_handler {host port type sock {arg ""}} { switch -- $type { "onConn" { sock::Set $sock...
nml375 wrote:
The closest thing you can get to this, is activating "raw logging", which enables two new logflags, one for outbound server traffic (v), and one for inbound server traffic (r). See the "raw-log" setting in your eggdrop-configfile for further info.
Hey, Cheers for the replies. Sorry I was being a bit dumb (long day) its a script I wrote so load/unload mod will be pointless. I've achieved what I need now using the following though: "onDisc" { sleep 120 exec "/bin/kill -HUP `cat /usr/home/xxx/eggdrop/pid.xxxx`" } Noticed that...
I am the writer of the script :) My question is how to get just the script to reinitialize itself. I have rejigged my script to do the following when the connection drops: sleep 120 restart This is fine but it causes the entire eggdrop to reload (bot leaves and rejoins channel etc.) I might try this...
Hiya, I have a script that monitors a TCP connection and dumps it to a channel, all working great. However I would like to have a handler so that when the connection drops, it sleeps for a minute and then reloads the TCL script. Is there a way to do this, as at present I just call a shell script tha...
Cheers for the reply, really apprecitated. The output of putcmdlog when printing the contents just gives: [21:09] gsoutput ' So its missing even the last ' off the end. I've tried the removal of TCL special chars and newline as suggested but still no joy. What is even more bizarre, is if I fire up a...
Ok... managed to solve my sockets problem :D Used the awesome ::sock:: stuff that was posted here instead. I can't for the life of me work out why this isn't working though: # Handle output from the server and print chat messages to channel proc read_sock {sock} { set gsoutput [gets $sock] if {[stri...
Hi All, I would be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction with something I'm a bit stuck on. I'll admit I'm a beginner TCL programmer, but have coded in various other languages before. Basically I have a TCL script that works fine if I run it outside of Eggdrop, however when ...