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Roll and coinflip request.

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Roll and coinflip request.

Post by bosseb »

script that would generate a random roll and coin flip.
for instance:

!coin user1 user2
Would do a coinflip for these two people, showing the result.

* Bot flips a coin, user1 has heads, user2 has tails... and it is ... HEADS... user1 wins.

!roll user1 user2 user3 user4
would do a roll for the people listed. numbers between 1-100

* Bot rolls the dice... (User1: 23) ... (User2: 63) ...(user3: 26)...(user4: 98).... user4 Wins! and user1 Loses

would do a roll for everyone in the channel except those predefined in the config/script file (for instance other bots)

* Bot rolls the dice... (User1: 23) ... (User2: 63) ...(user3: 26)...(user4: 98).... user4 Wins! and user1 Loses

(did try some roll script, but didn't seem to work nor have the functionality desired)
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CoinFlip-DiceRoll.tcl Version 1.0 by SpiKe^^ (30 Dec 2012)

Post by SpiKe^^ »

There you go!! Nice script, fully tested, with options and help:)

Please let me know how it works out for you.

Code: Select all

# CoinFlip-DiceRoll.tcl  Version 1.0  by SpiKe^^ (30 Dec 2012) #

# author:  SpiKe^^ #
# e-mail:  spike<at>mytclscripts<dot>com #
# webpage: #

# This file is Copyrighted under the GNU Public License. #
# #

######### Coin flip commands #########

#  !coin nick1 nick2
# example:  !coin starr spike^^
# note: list any two nicks as the players

#  !coin nick
# example:  !coin starr
# note: command user will be the second player

# For help with the Coin flip command, use:  !coin

######### Roll dice commands (with Default Dice) #########

#  !roll nick1 nick2 nick3
# example:  !roll starr bart spike^^
# note: list any two or more nicks as the players
# note: can use +me or your nick to include yourself
# example:  !roll starr bart +me

#  !roll nick
# example:  !roll starr
# note: command user will be the second player

#  !roll -all
# example:  !roll -all
# this will roll the dice for every non-exempt nick in channel
# note: max players for -all controlled by cFdR(maxnk) setting
# note: list of players will always include the command user

#  !roll <number of players>
# example:  !roll 20
# this will roll the dice for 20 random non-exempt nicks
# note: list of players will always include the command user

# For help with the Roll dice command, use:  !roll

######### Roll dice commands (with Custom Dice) #########
# note: All above Roll dice commands can be used with Custom Dice
# note: maximum of 20 dice, minimum of 4 dice sides

#  !roll <number of dice>@<numbers on dice> <players>

# example:  !roll 2@1-6 starr bart spike^^
# note: roll 2 dice, with standard 6-sided dice, for listed nicks

# example:  !roll 4@1-10 starr
# note: roll 4 dice, using 10-sided dice, for starr & command user

# example:  !roll 5@0-19 -all
# note: roll five, 20-sided dice (numbered 0 to 19), for all nicks

# example:  !roll 2@1-50 45
# note: roll 2, 50-sided dice, for 45 random nicks (include cmd user)

# For help with the Roll custom dice command, use:  !custom

################ Basic Settings ################

# Set the channel(s) for the CoinFlip-DiceRoll script #
# example:  set cFdR(chans) {#mychan #chan2 #sumchan} #
# or set empty for all channels the bot is on #
set cFdR(chans) {}

################ !roll Settings ################

# Default number of Dice to roll (valid settings: 1 - 20) #
set cFdR(dcount) "5"

# Default numbers on the sides on the Dice #
# for standard six-sided dice, use:  "1-6" #
# minimum of 4 sides:  "1-4"  :or:  "0-3" #
# maximum of 100 sides:  "1-100"  :or:  "0-99" #
set cFdR(dsides) "1-6"

# Exempt flags for !roll -all  & !roll <number of players> #
set cFdR(xflag) "b|b"

# Exempt nicks for !roll -all  & !roll <number of players> #
# example:  set cFdR(xnick) {ted bart sam} #
set cFdR(xnick) {}

# Set def maximum number of nick for  !roll -all #
# default number of random players for roll -all #
# note: will always include nick that did !roll -all #
set cFdR(maxnk) "50"

###################### End Settings ######################

# text for coin flip #
set cFdR(cointx) "\001action flips a coin, %nk1 has %ht1, %nk2 has %ht2... "
append cFdR(cointx) "and it's... %HT3... %nk3 wins.\001"

# text for dice roll #
# also available: %wpt = winnerpoints & %lpt = loserpoints #
set cFdR(dicetx) "\001action rolls the dice... %ls %wnk Wins! and %lnk Loses.\001"
set cFdR(dicels) "(%pnk: %pnt)... "

# max number of characters per line of text #
set cFdR(maxln) "400"

########### Binds ###########
bind pub - !coin coin:flip
bind pub - !roll dice:roll
bind pub - !custom dice:cust

proc dice:roll {nk uh hn ch tx} {
  dice:roll $nk $uh $hn $ch @

proc dice:roll {nk uh hn ch tx} {  set ch [string tolower $ch]
  if {$::cFdR(chans) ne "" && [lsearch -exact $::cFdR(chans) $ch]=="-1"} {

  set tx [rem:sp $tx]  ;  set help 0
  if {$tx eq ""} {  set help 1
  } elseif {$tx eq "-help"} {  set help 1  ;  set tx ""
  } elseif {$tx eq "-custom" || $tx eq "@" || [string match "-help c*" $tx]} {
    set help 2  ;  set tx ""
  } else {  set tx [split $tx]  ;  set idx -1  ;  set doing nicks
    set dcnt $::cFdR(dcount)
    foreach {dsid1 dsid2} [split $::cFdR(dsides) -] { break }
    foreach item [lrange $tx 0 1] {
      if {[string match *@* $item]} {  incr idx
        foreach {d1 d2} [split $item @] { break }
        set d1 [string trimleft $d1 0]
        if {[string is digit -strict $d1]} {
          if {$d1>"20"} {  set d1 20  }
          set dcnt $d1
        if {$d2 ne ""} {  set s1 ""  ;  set s2 ""
          if {[string is digit -strict $d2]} {
            if {$d2=="0"} {  set s1 0
            } else {  set d2 [fix:num $d2]
              if {$d2=="1"} {  set s1 1
              } elseif {$d2>"3"} {  set s1 1  ;  set s2 $d2
              } elseif {$d2=="3"} {  set s1 0  ;  set s2 3  }
          } elseif {[string match *-* $d2]} {
            foreach {tm1 tm2} [split $d2 -] { break }
            if {[set tm1 [fix:num $tm1]] ne ""} {  set s1 $tm1  }
            if {[set tm2 [fix:num $tm2]] ne ""} {  set s2 $tm2  }
          if {$s1 ne "" || $s2 ne ""} {
            if {$s1 eq ""} {  set s1 $dsid1  }
            if {$s2 eq ""} {  set s2 $dsid2  }
            if {$s2>($s1 + 2)} {  set custom 1
              set dsid1 $s1  ;  set dsid2 $s2
      } elseif {$item eq "-all"} {  incr idx  ;  set all 1
        set doing $::cFdR(maxnk)
      } elseif {[string is digit -strict $item]} {  incr idx
        set item [fix:num $item]  ;  set all 0
        if {$item>"1"} {  set doing $item  }
      } else {  break  }
    if {$idx>"-1"} {  set tx [lreplace $tx 0 $idx]  }
    if {$doing eq "nicks" && [llength $tx]<"2"} {
      if {[llength $tx]=="0" || [string match -nocase $nk [lindex $tx 0]]} {
        set help 1
      } elseif {[lindex $tx 0] eq "+me"} {  set help 1  }
  if {$help=="0"} {
    if {[set me [lsearch -exact $tx "+me"]]>"-1"} {
      set tx [lreplace $tx $me $me $nk]
    if {$doing eq "nicks"} {
      if {[llength $tx]=="1"} {  lappend tx $nk  }
      set niks [list:nk $ch $nk [llength $tx] 0 $tx]
    } else {
      if {[llength $tx]=="0"} {  set niks [list:nk $ch $nk $doing]
      } else {  set niks [list:nk $ch $nk $doing 1 $tx]  }
      if {[llength $niks]<"2"} {  set x "least 1 other non-exempt nick in $ch"
        if {$all=="1"} {
          puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Error: \002!roll -all\002 requires at $x"
        } else {
          puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Error: \002!roll <number>\002 requires at $x"
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Use: \002!roll\002 :to see the Roll Dice Help."
  if {$help>"0"} {  set dcnt $::cFdR(dcount)  ;  set mx $::cFdR(maxnk)
    if {$dcnt=="1"} { set dice "One die," } else { set dice "$dcnt dice," }
    append dice " Numbered $::cFdR(dsides)"  ;  set x \002!roll
    if {[llength $tx]=="0"} {  set niks [list:nk $ch $nk 4 [rand 2]]
    } else {  set niks [list:nk $ch $nk 4]  }
    if {[llength $niks]=="4"} {
      if {[lindex $niks 3] eq $nk} {
        set niks [linsert [lrange $niks 0 2] [rand 3] $nk]
      set nk4 [lindex $niks 3]  ;  set niks [lrange $niks 0 2]
    } else {  set nk4 nick1
      if {[llength $niks]>"0"} {  set tls $niks
        while {[llength $tls]>"0"} {  set rnd [rand [llength $tls]]
          if {[set tnk [lindex $tls $rnd]] ne $nk} {  set nk4 $tnk  ;  break
          } else {    set tls [lreplace $tls $rnd $rnd]  }
      if {[llength $niks]=="0"} {  lappend niks $nk  }
      if {[llength $niks]=="1"} {  lappend niks nick2  }
      if {[llength $niks]=="2"} {
        if {[lsearch -exact $niks $nk]=="-1"} {  lappend niks $nk
        } else {  lappend niks nick3  }
  if {$help=="1"} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Roll Dice Commands (using $dice)"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :1. List two or more nicks as the players."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Example: $x [string tolower [join $niks]]"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Use +me or your nick to include yourself."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :2. Provide 1 nick & you will be the 2nd player."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Example: $x [string tolower $nk4]"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :3. Roll for up to $mx random non-exempt nicks."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Example: $x -all"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :4. Roll dice for the specified number of nicks."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Example: $x 20"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :For help specifying custom dice, use: $x -custom"
  if {$help=="2"} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Roll Custom Dice Commands"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Correct syntax: <number of dice>@<numbers on dice>"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :1. Roll 2 dice, with standard 6-sided dice."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Example: $x 2@1-6 [string tolower [join $niks]]"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :2. Roll 4 dice, using 10-sided dice (1-10)."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Example: $x 4@1-10 [string tolower $nk4]"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :3. Roll five, 20-sided dice (numbered 0 to 19)."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :   Example: $x 5@0-19 -all"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Note: Maximum of 20 dice, Minimum of 4 dice sides."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :To see the main Roll Dice help, use: $x -help"
  set rnum [expr {$dsid2-$dsid1+1}]  ;  set pls [list]
  foreach nik $niks {  set min $dsid1  ;  set max $dsid2
    lappend pls [list [expr {[rand $rnum]+$dsid1}] $nik]
  if {$dcnt>"1"} {  set roll 1
    while {$roll<$dcnt} {  set newls [list]
      foreach player $pls {
        foreach {pnt nik} $player { break }
        lappend newls [list [expr {$pnt+[rand $rnum]+$dsid1}] $nik]
      set pls $newls  ;  incr roll  ;  incr min $dsid1  ;  incr max $dsid2
  set sort [lsort -integer -index 0 $pls]  ;  set done 0
  if {[set wpnt [lindex $sort end 0]]==[lindex $sort end-1 0]} {  set tcnt 2
    while {$tcnt<[llength $sort]} {
      if {[lindex $sort end-$tcnt 0]==$wpnt} {  incr tcnt  } else {  break  }
    set tiels [lrange $sort end-[expr {$tcnt-1}] end]  ;  set rnd [rand $tcnt]
    set winnr [lindex $tiels $rnd]
    if {$tcnt==[llength $sort]} {
      if {$tcnt>"2"} {  set done 2
        set tiels [lreplace $tiels $rnd $rnd]
        set loser [lindex $tiels [rand [llength $tiels]]]
      } else {  set done 1  }
    } elseif {[lindex $sort 0 0]==[expr {$max-1}]} {
      if {[set lpnt [lindex $sort 0 0]]==[lindex $sort 1 0]} {  set tcnt 2
        foreach itm [lrange $sort 2 end] {
          if {[lindex $itm 0]==$lpnt} {  incr tcnt  } else {  break  }
        set adj [lindex [lrange $sort 0 [expr {$tcnt-1}]] [rand $tcnt]]
      } else {  set adj [lindex $sort 0]  }
    if {[info exists adj]} {  set pls [fix:list $pls $winnr "" $min $max $adj]
      unset adj
    } elseif {$done<"2"} {  set pls [fix:list $pls $winnr "" $min $max]
    } else {  set pls [fix:list $pls $winnr $loser $min $max]  }
    set sort [lsort -integer -index 0 $pls]
  } else {  set winnr [lindex $sort end]
    if {[lindex $winnr 0]==[expr {$min+1}]} {  set adj $winnr  }
  if {[set lpnt [lindex $sort 0 0]]==[lindex $sort 1 0]} {  set tcnt 2
    foreach itm [lrange $sort 2 end] {
      if {[lindex $itm 0]==$lpnt} {  incr tcnt  } else {  break  }
    set loser [lindex [lrange $sort 0 [expr {$tcnt-1}]] [rand $tcnt]]
    if {![info exists adj]} {  set pls [fix:list $pls "" $loser $min $max]
    } else {  set pls [fix:list $pls "" $loser $min $max $adj]  }
    set sort [lsort -integer -index 0 $pls]
  lappend map %lnk [lindex $sort 0 1] %wnk [lindex $sort end 1]
  lappend map %lpt [lindex $sort 0 0] %wpt [lindex $sort end 0]
  set text $::cFdR(dicetx)  ;  set each $::cFdR(dicels)
  set pre "\001action"  ;  set aft "\001"
  if {![string match $pre* $text]} {  set pre ""  ;  set aft ""
  } else {  set pre "$pre : "  }
  if {[set idx [string first %ls $text]]>"-1"} {  set max $::cFdR(maxln)
    set rest [string map $map [string range $text [expr {$idx+3}] end]]
    set text [string map $map [string range $text 0 [expr {$idx-1}]]]
    foreach player $pls {  set len [string length $text]
      foreach {pt nk} $player { break }
      set ptx [string map [list %pnk $nk %pnt $pt] $each]
      if {($len+[string length $ptx])>$max} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$text$aft"  ;  set text $pre$ptx
      } else {  append text $ptx  }
    set text [string trimright $text]
    if {([string length $text]+[string length $rest])>$max} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$text$aft"
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$pre[string trimleft $rest]"
    } else {  puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$text$rest"  }
  } else {  puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :[string map $map $text]"  }

proc coin:flip {nk uh hn ch tx} {  set ch [string tolower $ch]
  if {$::cFdR(chans) ne "" && [lsearch -exact $::cFdR(chans) $ch]=="-1"} {
  set n1 ""  ;  set n2 ""
  foreach {n1 n2} [split [rem:sp $tx]] { break }
  if {$n1 eq "" || ($n2 eq "" && [string match -nocase $nk $n1])} {
    if {$n1 eq ""} {  set niks [list:nk $ch $nk 2 [rand 2]]
    } else {  set niks [list:nk $ch $nk 2]  }
    if {[llength $niks]=="0"} {  lappend niks $nk  }
    if {[llength $niks]=="1" && [join $niks] ne $nk} {  lappend niks $nk  }
    if {[llength $niks]=="1"} {  lappend niks nick2  }
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Correct syntax is: !coin nick1 ?nick2?"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :!coin command with 2 nicks provided..."
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Example:  \002!coin [string tolower [join $niks]]"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Or: provide 1 nick & you will be the 2nd player."
  if {$n2 eq ""} {  set n2 $nk  }
  foreach {nk1 nk2} [list:nk $ch $nk 2 0 [list $n1 $n2]] { break }
  set f1 [rand 20]  ;  set f2 [rand 30]
  if {[string match {*[13579]} $f1] && [string match {*[13579]} $f2]} {
    set reslt heads
  } elseif {[string match {*[02468]} $f1] && [string match {*[02468]} $f2]} {
    set reslt tails
  } else {  set f3 [rand 40]
    if {[string match {*[13579]} $f3]} {  set reslt heads
    } else {  set reslt tails  }
  lappend map %nk1 $nk1 %nk2 $nk2 %ht3 $reslt %HT3 [string toupper $reslt]
  if {[string match {*[13579]} [rand 20]]} {
    if {$reslt eq "heads"} {  lappend map %ht1 heads %ht2 tails %nk3 $nk1
    } else {  lappend map %ht1 heads %ht2 tails %nk3 $nk2  }
  } else {
    if {$reslt eq "heads"} {  lappend map %ht1 tails %ht2 heads %nk3 $nk2
    } else {  lappend map %ht1 tails %ht2 heads %nk3 $nk1  }
  puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :[string map $map $::cFdR(cointx)]"

proc fix:list {pls win los min max {adj ""} } {
  set wnk "" ; set wpt -1 ; set lnk "" ; set lpt -1 ; set new [list]
  if {$win ne ""} {  foreach {mpt wnk} $win {break}
    if {$mpt==$min && $los ne ""} {
      set wpt [expr {$mpt+2}]  ;  set tpt [expr {$mpt+1}]
    } elseif {$mpt==$max} {  set wpt $mpt  ;  set tpt [expr {$mpt-1}]
    } else {  set wpt [expr {$mpt+1}]  ;  set tpt $mpt  }
    if {$los ne ""} {  foreach {mpt lnk} $los {break}
      set lpt [expr {$tpt-1}]
    if {$adj ne ""} {  foreach {ap an} $adj { break }  ;  set adj "-"  }
  } elseif {$los ne ""} {  foreach {mpt lnk} $los {break}
    if {$mpt==$min} {  set lpt $mpt  ;  set tpt [expr {$mpt+1}]
    } else {  set lpt [expr {$mpt-1}]  ;  set tpt $mpt  }
    if {$adj ne ""} {  foreach {ap an} $adj { break }  ;  set adj "+"  }
  foreach player $pls {  foreach {pnt nik} $player {break}
    if {$pnt==$mpt} {
      if {$nik eq $wnk} {  lappend new [list $wpt $nik]
      } elseif {$nik eq $lnk} {  lappend new [list $lpt $nik]
      } else {  lappend new [list $tpt $nik]  }
    } elseif {$adj ne "" && $nik eq $an && $pnt==$ap} {
      if {$adj eq "+"} {  lappend new [list [expr {$pnt+1}] $nik]
      } else {  lappend new [list [expr {$pnt-1}] $nik]  }
    } else {  lappend new $player  }
  return $new

proc list:nk {ch nik num {iusr 1} {nls ""} } {  set chanls [list]
  if {$nls ne ""} {  set nlow [split [string tolower [join $nls]]]
    if {$iusr=="1"} {  set iusr 0
      if {[lsearch -exact $nlow [string tolower $nik]]=="-1"} {
        lappend nls $nik  ;  lappend nlow [string tolower $nik]
  foreach nk [chanlist $ch] {
    if {$nls ne ""} {
      if {[set idx [lsearch -exact $nlow [string tolower $nk]]]>"-1"} {
        set nls [lreplace $nls $idx $idx $nk]  ;  continue
    if {[isbotnick $nk]} { continue }
    if {[lsearch -exact $::cFdR(xnick) [string tolower $nk]]>"-1"} { continue }
    if {$::cFdR(xflag) ne ""} {
      if {[matchattr [nick2hand $nk $ch] $::cFdR(xflag) $ch]} { continue }
    lappend chanls $nk
  if {$nls ne ""} {
    if {[llength $nls]<$num} {  set num [expr {$num-[llength $nls]}]
    } else {  set chanls $nls  ;  set nls ""  ;  set num [llength $nls]  }
  set newls [list]  ;  set cnt 0
  while {[llength $chanls]>"0"} {  incr cnt
    lappend newls [lindex $chanls [set lidx [rand [llength $chanls]]]]
    set chanls [lreplace $chanls $lidx $lidx]
    if {$cnt==$num} {  break  }
  if {$nls ne ""} {
    while {[llength $nls]>"0"} {  set nk [lindex $nls 0]
      if {$cnt>"0"} {
        set newls [linsert $newls [rand [expr {[llength $newls]+1}]] $nk]
      } else {  lappend newls $nk  ;  incr cnt  }
      set nls [lreplace $nls 0 0]
  if {$iusr=="1" && [lsearch -exact $newls $nik]=="-1"} {
    if {[llength $newls]>=$num} {
      set newls [lreplace $newls [set lidx [rand [llength $newls]]] $lidx $nik]
    } else {
      set newls [linsert $newls [rand [expr {[llength $newls]+1}]] $nik]
  return $newls

proc fix:num {num} {
  if {![string is digit -strict $num]} {  return ""  }
  set num [string trimleft $num 0]
  if {$num eq ""} {  set num 0  }  ;  return $num

proc rem:sp {st} { return [string trim [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} $st { }]] }

foreach frSet {chans xnick} {
  set cFdR($frSet) [rem:sp [string tolower $cFdR($frSet)]]
  if {$cFdR($frSet) ne ""} {  set cFdR($frSet) [split $cFdR($frSet)]  }
set cFdR(xflag) [string trim $cFdR(xflag)]
foreach frSet {maxnk dcount maxln} {
  set cFdR($frSet) [fix:num [string trim $cFdR($frSet)]]
if {![string is digit -strict $cFdR(maxnk)]} {  set cFdR(maxnk) 18  }
if {$cFdR(maxnk)<"4"} {  set cFdR(maxnk) 4  }
if {![string is digit -strict $cFdR(dcount)]} {  set cFdR(dcount) 5  }
if {$cFdR(dcount)>"20"} {  set cFdR(dcount) 20  }
if {![string is digit -strict $cFdR(maxln)]} {  set cFdR(maxln) 400  }
if {$cFdR(maxln)<"60"} {  set cFdR(maxln) 60  }
if {[string match *?-?* [string trim $cFdR(dsides)]]} {
  set cFdR(dsides) [split $cFdR(dsides)  -]
  foreach {frSet frSe2} $cFdR(dsides) { break }
  set frSet [string trim $frSet]  ;  set frSe2 [string trim $frSe2]
  if {[string is digit -strict $frSet] && [string is digit -strict $frSe2]} {
    if {$frSet>"0"} {  set frSet [fix:num $frSet]  } else {  set frSet 0  }
    if {$frSe2>"3"} {  set frSe2 [fix:num $frSe2]  } else {  set frSe2 3  }
    if {$frSe2>($frSet + 2)} {  set cFdR(dsides) $frSet-$frSe2
    } else {  set cFdR(dsides) "1-6"  }
  } else {  set cFdR(dsides) "1-6"  }
} else {  set cFdR(dsides) "1-6"  }  ;  catch {unset frSet frSe2}

putlog "CoinFlip-DiceRoll.tcl Ver. 1.0 by SpiKe^^ loaded."

You wrote:
!roll user1 user2 user3 user4
would do a roll for the people listed. numbers between 1-100
So you may want to change these 2 options as follows...

Code: Select all

# Default number of Dice to roll (valid settings: 1 - 20) # 
set cFdR(dcount) "2" 

# Default numbers on the sides on the Dice # 
# for standard six-sided dice, use:  "1-6" # 
# minimum of 4 sides:  "1-4"  :or:  "0-3" # 
# maximum of 100 sides:  "1-100"  :or:  "0-99" # 
set cFdR(dsides) "1-50" 


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Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:28 pm

Re: CoinFlip-DiceRoll.tcl Version 1.0 by SpiKe^^ (30 Dec 2

Post by bosseb »

Thank you!, have tested it briefly so far and it works very well :)
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