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Love Match

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Love Match

Post by LinkinPark »

Hello all coders/scripters

I want to make a request for Love Match..


<me> !Love nick1 nick2
<bot> Love Match nick1 + nick2 = 85%


<me> !Love nick1 nick2
<bot> Congratulations! Love Match nick1 + nick2 = 100%

Percentage start from 1-100%
also with trigger !Hate nick1 nick2 the same as !Love

Thanks for help me!
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Post by Madalin »

I don`t know if 100% will be triggered to often but thats because its a random process :) nick1 and nick2 must be in the channel if they are not the script won`t work

Code: Select all

#### ++++ Author: MadaliN <>
### ++++ TCL Name: Love & Hate 
## ++++
# Commands:
#	!love nick1 nick2
#	!hate nick1 nick2
bind pub - !love love:pub
bind pub - !hate hate:pub

proc love:pub {nick uhost hand chan arg} {

	set nick1 [lindex [split $arg] 0]
	set nick2 [lindex [split $arg] 1]

	if {($nick1 != "") && ($nick2 != "") && [onchan $nick1 $chan] && [onchan $nick2 $chan]} {
		set lovematch [minmaxrand 0 101]

		if {$lovematch == "100"} {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Congratulations! Love match \00312$nick1\003 + \00312$nick2\003 = \00304\002$lovematch\002%"
		} else {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Love match \00312$nick1\003 + \00312$nick2\003 = \00304\002$lovematch\002%"

proc hate:pub {nick uhost hand chan arg} {

	set nick1 [lindex [split $arg] 0]
	set nick2 [lindex [split $arg] 1]

	if {($nick1 != "") && ($nick2 != "") && [onchan $nick1 $chan] && [onchan $nick2 $chan]} {
		set hatematch [minmaxrand 0 100]

		if {$hatematch == "100"} {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Congratulations! Hate match \002$nick1\002 + \002$nick2\002 = \00304\002$hatematch\002%"
		} else {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Hate match \002$nick1\002 + \002$nick2\002 = \002$hatematch\002%"

proc minmaxrand {min max} {

	set r [expr ([rand [expr ($max - $min)]] + $min)]
	return $r

putlog "+++ sucesfully loaded: \00312Love & Hate TCL Script"
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