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ChanOP history

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Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:32 pm

ChanOP history

Post by StormG »

Is there a way to retrive information about 10 nicknames who had been most kept their OP status in a channel? So with a predefined command the bot will show those nicknames. Even the nickname has/had access to the bot, will also be posted amoung those 10 nicknames.

For example: @nick1 , @nick2 , @nick3 .... @nick10
@nick1 should be saved as: nick1*ident1@host1 at (10:30AM 20.02.2013)
@nick2 should be : nick2*ident2@host2 at (10:30AM 20.02.2013)
@nick10 should be : nick10*ident10@host10 at (10:30AM 20.02.2013)

These datas shoud be only saved to file if the flag for this script is enabled with a .chanset <flag> command.

To be more precise:
@nick2 has left/quit the channel at 13:00PM 20.02.2013 (he stayed oped for 2.30 hours on channel #channel)
nick2 has joined the channel, and regains OP status at 14:00PM 20.02.2013 (having the same ident@host , if not he will be saved with his current ident@host)
@nick2 has left/quit the channel at 17:00PM 20.02.2013 (he stayed oped for 3 hours in channel #channel)

And now if any nickname/user gives the command: !ophistory in channel, the bot will reply with 10 nicknames who had been kept their OP in channel
<nickname> !ophistory
<bot> 1. nick1*ident1@host1 (10.30AM 20.02.2013 -> present)
2. nick3*ident3@host3 (10.30AM 20.02.2013 -> 09.00AM 24.02.2013) (he stayed oped for 3 days 22.30hours on channel #channel)
3. .......
10. nick2*ident2@host2 (10.30AM 20.02.2013 -> 17.00PM 20.02.2013) (he stayed oped for 5.30hours on channel #channel)

PS: This should be stored in a database, with a flood protection for the command !ophistory , and also the <bot> should store the informations about the nicknames in minutes/hours/days how long they stayed with OP and countting if those datas changes.
Posts: 80
Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:58 am

Post by Nimos »

a few questions:
nick2 has joined the channel, and regains OP status at 14:00PM 20.02.2013 (having the same ident@host , if not he will be saved with his current ident@host)
is that the script's job, or do you have that already?

secondly, if someone joins with another ident@host, and then is opped by someone, will it "add" to his time, or is his timer back to zero?
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:32 pm

Post by StormG »

hello Nimos; 1. it should be the scripts job to store, save those infos; 2. if the nickname with another ident@host joins in , and gains op, that user if it's not in database where the infos are saved, it should be saved and his time should be started from zero to ... until he left/parts or quits the channel, that's why the bot should be able to count the mins/hours/days on how long that nickname stayed with op.
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