I am owner of quite a large network (0000's) and I'm in the middle of converting some of our utility bots that are currently mIRC based in to TCL to run on eggdrop.
I've picked up the basics but there are some more complicated scripts that I've written in mSC that I can't figure in TCL.
One I'm stuck on is we have a bot that has OPER on the server and monitors connects in server notices. An example of a server notice:
It then logs the nickname against the IP address and shows previously nicknames for that IP address in a specified channel, example:<- :CHAT04. NOTICE Port_4 :*** CONNECT: Client connecting on port 6667 (class users): SomeUser!Female@ ( [18 Female Canada]
Can someone provide an example of such thing in TCL please?<!Port_4> Client SomeUser connecting from Previous nicknames this user has connected with: AnotherUser1, AnotherUser2, AnotherUser3
Moderator edit: don't post real IPs.