BogusTrivia issues

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Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:43 pm

Post by Koo »

willyw wrote:It is not patched then.

While you wait for starr to reply to you, you might as well check out:
Find the patch described as:
timerworkaround.patch.gz by thommey
Read the description there, and follow the link in the description. It leads to a lengthy forum thread that should explain itself.
(This is not the cause of your current problem - but since patches came up, and you are waiting, you might as well check it out and become aware of what to do. )
Alright, I patched the bot but the problem still persists. :(
SpiKe^^ wrote:This is the code responsible for checking if the settings file is available:

Code: Select all

if {![file exists [set ttmp(temp) $t2(pwdpath)$t2(scrpath)t-2.settings.tcl]]} {
    putlog "Couldn't find the BogusTrivia settings file: $t2(scrpath)t-2.settings.tcl"
    putlog "\00310BogusTrivia\003 game script not loaded!"  ;  unset ttmp  ;  return  }
source $ttmp(temp)

Try bypassing the file check by editing that part of the script file to be more like:

Code: Select all

#if {![file exists [set ttmp(temp) $t2(pwdpath)$t2(scrpath)t-2.settings.tcl]]} {
#    putlog "Couldn't find the BogusTrivia settings file: $t2(scrpath)t-2.settings.tcl"
#    putlog "\00310BogusTrivia\003 game script not loaded!"  ;  unset ttmp  ;  return  }
#source $ttmp(temp)

Then source the settings file in the bot conf file, before the script file...

Code: Select all

source scripts/t-2.settings.tcl
source scripts/t-2.tcl

Thanks SpiKe^^. Tested it and it worked. I got this kind of error, though.
<Cleo> Loading BogusTrivia v2.06.4.6 by SpiKe^^...
<Cleo> Couldn't find t-2.tcl commands file: /home/koo/eggdrop/scripts/t-2.commands.tcl
<Cleo> All BogusTrivia mix/greet/voice/autostart/public-commands functions disabled!
<Cleo> Put the included t-2.commands.tcl file in /home/koo/eggdrop/scripts/ & rehash the bot.
<Cleo> BogusTrivia Loaded.
I seriously have no idea where did I screw up. :?
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Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:38 am

Post by ComradeMilton »

I receive the same error. I've checked folder and file permissions three times, disabled other scripts and so on, but I still receive the message that the script can't find the settings file.

If it matters I use iSpeeds for a shell provider and this bot used to run Bogus with no problems, but after going inactive for a few months, when I resurrected it from the existing files the problem began, so I did a fresh installation and still receive the error.

Seriously? Any ideas at all?
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