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Post by Sanzen »

For some reason I have been having problems with simple tcl scripts for my eggdrop. I have been trying to get ?8ball and holdem to work for about 2 days and can't figure it out and I'm not sure why. I figured I'd reinstall my eggdrop and start from scratch and while I was at it, I'd finally put an auto identify script on there so my eggdrop gets op when it joins.
I have tried 4 scripts to no avail.
The latest one being
Everything loads fine but the bot never becomes identified and I've no idea why. Can someone point me in the right direction?
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Re: identify.tcl

Post by willyw »

Sanzen wrote:For some reason I have been having problems with simple tcl scripts for my eggdrop. I have been trying to get ?8ball and holdem to work for about 2 days and can't figure it out and I'm not sure why.
First, be sure that your scripts are even loading. Use the
command to check.
In the partyline do:
.help binds
to read about it. In the scripts, find the binds and compare. With the .binds command, if you don't find the binds that are in the scripts then your scripts are not loading.

If you do find the binds with the .binds command - then noted the number in the Hits column. Then go test again - try to trigger the script.
Then check again with the .binds command in the partyline. The Hits counter should have incremented. If not, then that's something to troubleshoot.

... and while I was at it, I'd finally put an auto identify script on there so my eggdrop gets op when it joins.
I have tried 4 scripts to no avail.
Check out:
That shows one way to do it, with just one line of code added to eggdrop.conf.
It may need small edits, depending on how the network wants the id sent.
Everything loads fine
How do you know?
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Re: identify.tcl

Post by Sanzen »

willyw wrote:
Sanzen wrote:For some reason I have been having problems with simple tcl scripts for my eggdrop. I have been trying to get ?8ball and holdem to work for about 2 days and can't figure it out and I'm not sure why.
First, be sure that your scripts are even loading. Use the
command to check.
In the partyline do:
.help binds
to read about it. In the scripts, find the binds and compare. With the .binds command, if you don't find the binds that are in the scripts then your scripts are not loading.

If you do find the binds with the .binds command - then noted the number in the Hits column. Then go test again - try to trigger the script.
Then check again with the .binds command in the partyline. The Hits counter should have incremented. If not, then that's something to troubleshoot.
hmm, that is something I never knew. Apparently I need to set google to work in the channel. I did not remember ever having to .chanset +google for this script.
Check out:
That shows one way to do it, with just one line of code added to eggdrop.conf.
It may need small edits, depending on how the network wants the id sent.
I added the script you linked me to. It worked like a charm! Thank you!

How do you know?
I thought they were loading fine because I was receiving no errors when rehashing and restarting the bot.

Thank You for the help! I greatly appreciate it! :)
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Re: identify.tcl

Post by Arnold_X-P »

and I dress the tcl and readjustment some things
it works in dalnet and supports other networks that they use nickserv

Code: Select all

    # Script: Auto identify           # You are free to edit #
    # Version: 1.0.0                  # this script as much  #
    # Author: Alien                   # as you want as long  #
    # Email:      # as you keep my name  #
    # Web: # in credits.          #

   # updated for Arnold_X-P  /server channel #tcls chatzona channel #eggdrop.conf   #
    # email   #
    # This script will automatically  # Feel free to email   #
    # identify your bot's nick to     # me with suggestions  #
    # nickserv. It works on all       # or bugs.             #
    # services versions with classic  #                      #
    # command for identifying         #                      #
    # Configuration starts here
    # Bot's nickname password
    set ident_pass "your-pass-bot"

   # here place its registered nickname

      set botname "my-nicknameBot-registered"
    # Nickname of nick identifying service
    # In most cases it is NickServ
    set ident_service "NickServ"
     set ident_servicES "Nick"
    # Command for identifying:
    # 0 - /NickServ IDENTIFY password  (old anope 1.8.9)
    # 1 - /NickServ IDENTIFY nick password  (chatzona e hispano)
    # 2 - /NickServ IDENTIFY botname-registered password  (recommended option - dalnet, new anope 2.0 or later)
    set ident_cmd "2"
    #                 Configuration ends here                 #
    # You shouldn't edit anything below unless you know how.  #
    # The mighty bind
    bind notc - "*This nick* is*" ident_id
    bind notc - "*Este nick est* registrado*" ident_id
   bind msgm - "*Este nick est* registrado*" ident_id
    # Now the proc     
    proc ident_id { nick uhost hand text dest } {
    global botnick  botname ident_pass ident_service ident_cmd ident_servicES
  if {$nick == $ident_service} {
     if {$ident_cmd == "0"} {
       putquick "$ident_service :IDENTIFY $ident_pass" -next
         putlog "ALI: Identifying to $ident_service as requested."
   if {$ident_cmd == "1"} {
    putquick "PRIVMSG $ident_servicES :IDENTIFY $botname $ident_pass" -next
    if {$ident_cmd == "2"} {
      putquick "$ident_service IDENTIFY $botname $ident_pass" -next
         putlog "ALI: Identifying to $ident_service as requested."
putlog "ALI: Loaded Auto Identify TCL by Alien - updated for Arnold_X-P date 20/01/2015"
.:an ideal world:.
my programming place /server
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