How about a protection script? One that watches for 'flooding' by number of lines posted?juanamores wrote:I want the bot to write a message, depending on the number of lines written in the channel.
You can individually configure the channels for this action?
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# Set the channel to monitor #
set wasidle(chan) "#sumchan"
# Set the time (in minutes) for the channel to be considered idle #
set wasidle(time) "15"
bind pubm - "* $wasidle(chan)" was:idle
# force this eggdrop conf setting to be disabled #
set exclusive-binds 0
# convert minutes to seconds, and save result #
set wasidle(time) [expr {$wasidle(time) * 60}]
if {![info exists wasidle(lastut)]} { set wasidle(lastut) [unixtime] }
proc was:idle {nk uh hn ch tx} {
global wasidle
set wasidle(lastut) [unixtime]
return 0
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global wasidle
if {[info exists wasidle(lastut)]} {
if {([unixtime]-$wasidle(lastut)) > $wasidle(time)} { return 0 }
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# Set the channel to monitor #
set wasidle(chan) "#sumchan"
# Set the time (in minutes) for the channel to be considered idle #
set wasidle(time) "15"
# Set userfile flags to be exempt from idle monitoring #
# note: set this empty to not exempt anyone #
set wasidle(exempt) "b|b"
bind pubm - "$wasidle(chan) *" was:idle
# force this eggdrop conf setting to be disabled #
set exclusive-binds 0
# convert minutes to seconds, and save result #
set wasidle(time) [expr {$wasidle(time) * 60}]
if {![info exists wasidle(lastut)]} { set wasidle(lastut) [unixtime] }
proc was:idle {nk uh hn ch tx} {
global wasidle
if {$wasidle(exempt) eq "" || ![matchattr $hn $wasidle(exempt) $ch]} {
set wasidle(lastut) [unixtime]
return 0
Yes, I don't think that really makes any difference.juanamores wrote:1) May I add bots that are not of my property in my bot and give them b flag...
The bot doesn't require any sort of "identify" in order for it to know a properly added user/bot in its userfile.juanamores wrote:...bearing in mind they are not going to identify with my bot ?
You really need to learn some about how to properly operate eggdrop bots.juanamores wrote:2) Could you tell me the command to give them the b flag ?
The script as wrote above, is a single channel script.juanamores wrote:3) How can I set multiples channels?