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Anti mass join floods from multi Hosts/IP's

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Anti mass join floods from multi Hosts/IP's

Post by simo »

i was wondering if there is a way to use AP (allprotection) (i dont want to use AP no more since it crashes Bot when doing a restart)

ap:cjoin: {5:2 10 kb 4}

it starts kick banning if mass join flood is detected
and it temp locks channel wich is rather effective

perhaps this script made by SpiKe^^ can be modified to meet the description

Code: Select all

## remove-damn-spam-bots.tcl v1.4 (13May2015) by SpiKe^^ ##

# Spam bots joins, kick-ban on joins:seconds #
set rdsb(flood) 3:10

# Spam bots joins kick-ban reason #
set rdsb(reasn) "Damn Spam Bot!"

# Max number of bans to stack in one mode command #
set rdsb(maxb) 6

# Length of time in minutes to ban damn spam bots #
# - set 0 to disable this script removing bans (ex. set rdsb(btime) 0) #
set rdsb(btime) 10

# After a valid damn spam bot join flood, script will continue #
# to kick-ban offenders for an additional 'x' seconds #
set rdsb(xpire) 10

# Set channel mode(s) on flood detected. #
# - set empty to disable setting channel modes (ex. set rdsb(mode) "") #
set rdsb(mode) "im"

# Remove these channel modes after how many seconds? #
set rdsb(mrem) 20

# END OF SETTINGS # Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing #

bind join - * rdsb_bindjoin

proc rdsb_bindjoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
  global rdsb rdsc rdsq

  if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 }
  if {[matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} { return 0 }
  if {![string match "~*" $uhost]} { return 0 }

  set user [string range [lindex [split $uhost @] 0] 1 9]
  if {$user ne [string range $nick 0 8]} { return 0 }

  set uhost [string tolower $nick!$uhost]
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  set utnow [unixtime]
  set target [lindex $rdsb(flood) 0]

  if {[info exists rdsc($chan)]} {
    set uhlist [lassign $rdsc($chan) cnt ut]
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $rdsb(flood) 1]}]
    set expire [expr {$utend + $rdsb(xpire)}]
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset rdsc($chan) }
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset rdsc($chan) }
  if {![info exists rdsc($chan)]} {
    set rdsc($chan) [list 1 $utnow $uhost]
    return 0

  incr cnt
  if {$cnt <= $target} {
    if {[lsearch $uhlist $uhost] == -1} { lappend uhlist $uhost }
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      set rdsc($chan) [linsert $uhlist 0 $cnt $ut]
    } else {
      set rdsc($chan) [list $cnt $ut]
      if {$rdsb(mode) ne "" && [string is digit -strict $rdsb(mrem)]} {
        putquick "MODE $chan +$rdsb(mode)"
        utimer $rdsb(mrem) [list putquick "MODE $chan -$rdsb(mode)"]
      rdsb_dobans $chan $uhlist
    return 0

  if {![info exists rdsq($chan)]} {
    utimer 2 [list rdsb_bque $chan]
    set rdsq($chan) [list $uhost]
  } elseif {[lsearch $rdsq($chan) $uhost] == -1} {
    lappend rdsq($chan) $uhost

  if {[llength $rdsq($chan)] >= $rdsb(maxb)} {
    rdsb_dobans $chan $rdsq($chan)
    set rdsq($chan) ""
  } elseif {[botisop $chan]} { putquick "KICK $chan $nick :$rdsb(reasn)" }
  return 0

proc rdsb_dobans {chan uhlist} {
  global rdsb
  if {![botisop $chan]} return
  set banList ""
  set nickList ""
  foreach ele $uhlist {
    scan $ele {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} nick user host
    set bmask "*!*@$host"
    if {[lsearch $banList $bmask] == -1} { lappend banList $bmask }
    if {[lsearch $nickList $nick] == -1} { lappend nickList $nick }
  stack_bans $chan $rdsb(maxb) $banList
  foreach nk $nickList {
    if {[onchan $nk $chan]} { putquick "KICK $chan $nk :$rdsb(reasn)" }

  if {$rdsb(btime) > 0} {
    set expire [expr {[unixtime] + $rdsb(btime)}]
    lappend rdsb(rmls) [list $expire $chan $banList]


proc stack_bans {chan max banlist {opt +} } {
  set len [llength $banlist]
  while {$len > 0} {
    if {$len > $max} {
      set mode [string repeat "b" $max]
      set masks [join [lrange $banlist 0 [expr {$max - 1}]]]
      set banlist [lrange $banlist $max end]
      incr len -$max
    } else {
      set mode [string repeat "b" $len]
      set masks [join $banlist]
      set len 0
    putquick "MODE $chan ${opt}$mode $masks"

proc rdsb_bque {chan} {
  global rdsq
  if {![info exists rdsq($chan)]} { return }
  if {$rdsq($chan) eq ""} { unset rdsq($chan) ; return }
  rdsb_dobans $chan $rdsq($chan)
  unset rdsq($chan)

proc rdsb_breset {} {
  global rdsc rdsb
  set utnow [unixtime]
  set target [lindex $rdsb(flood) 0]
  foreach {key val} [array get rdsc] {
    lassign $val cnt ut
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $rdsb(flood) 1]}]
    set expire [expr {$utend + $rdsb(xpire)}]
    if {$cnt < $target} {
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset rdsc($key) }
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset rdsc($key) }

  if {[info exists rdsb(rmls)]} {
    while {[llength $rdsb(rmls)]} {
      set next [lindex $rdsb(rmls) 0]
      lassign $next expire chan banList
      if {$expire > $utnow} {  break  }
      set rdsb(rmls) [lreplace $rdsb(rmls) 0 0]
      if {![info exists rmAra($chan)]} {  set rmAra($chan) $banList
      } else {  set rmAra($chan) [concat $rmAra($chan) $banList]  }
    foreach {key val} [array get rmAra] {
      set banList ""
      foreach mask $val {
        if {![ischanban $mask $key]} {  continue  }
        lappend banList $mask
      if {$banList eq ""} {  continue  }
      if {![botisop $key]} {
        set rdsb(rmls) [linsert $rdsb(rmls) 0 [list $utnow $key $banList]]
      } else {  stack_bans $key $rdsb(maxb) $banList -  }
    if {![llength $rdsb(rmls)]} {  unset rdsb(rmls)  }

  utimer 30 [list rdsb_breset]

if {![info exists rdsb_running]} {
  utimer 20 [list rdsb_breset]
  set rdsb_running 1

set rdsb(flood) [split $rdsb(flood) :]
set rdsb(btime) [expr {$rdsb(btime) * 60}]
if {$rdsb(btime)==0 && [info exists rdsb(rmls)]} {  unset rdsb(rmls)  }

putlog "Loaded remove-damn-spam-bots.tcl v1.4 by SpiKe^^"
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Post by caesar »

Have a look here where Spike^^ is updating his script and suggest this maybe he adds it up to his script.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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mass-join-protection.tcl v1.5.1 (25Feb2016) by SpiKe^^

Post by SpiKe^^ »

Try this more generic version mass join protection script.
It does not check for specific nicks/usernames...

Code: Select all

## mass-join-protection.tcl v1.5.1 (25Feb2016) by SpiKe^^ ## 

# Mass joins, kick-ban on joins:seconds #
set mjp(flood) 5:2

# Mass joins kick-ban reason #
set mjp(reasn) "Mass Join Flood!"

# Max number of bans to stack in one mode command #
set mjp(maxb) 6

# Length of time in minutes to ban mass join flooders #
# - set 0 to disable this script removing bans (ex. set mjp(btime) 0) #
set mjp(btime) 10

# After a valid mass join flood, script will continue #
# to kick-ban offenders for an additional 'x' seconds #
set mjp(xpire) 10

# Set the type of ban masks to use #
#  1 = use host/ip specific bans (ex. *!* #
#  2 = use wide masked host/ip bans (ex. *!*@* #
#      note: setting 2 requires eggdrop 1.6.20 or newer. #
set mjp(btype) 2

# Set protected host(s) that should not be wide masked #
# - Example:  set mjp(phost) "*"
#  Note: this setting only applies to ban type 2 above! #
#  Note: set empty to not protect any hosts (ex. set mjp(phost) "") #
#  Note: space separated if listing more than one protected host #
set mjp(phost) ""

# Set channel mode(s) on flood detected. #
# - set empty to disable setting channel modes (ex. set mjp(mode) "") #
set mjp(mode) "im"

# Remove these channel modes after how many seconds? #
set mjp(mrem) 20

# END OF SETTINGS # Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing # 

bind join - * mjp_bindjoin 

proc mjp_bindjoin {nick uhost hand chan} { 
  global mjp mjpc mjpq 

  if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 } 
  if {[matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} { return 0 } 

  set uhost [string tolower $nick!$uhost] 
  set chan [string tolower $chan] 
  set utnow [unixtime] 
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0] 

  if {[info exists mjpc($chan)]} { 
    set uhlist [lassign $mjpc($chan) cnt ut] 
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}] 
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}] 
    if {$cnt < $target} { 
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($chan) } 
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($chan) } 
  if {![info exists mjpc($chan)]} { 
    set mjpc($chan) [list 1 $utnow $uhost] 
    return 0 

  incr cnt 
  if {$cnt <= $target} { 
    if {[lsearch $uhlist $uhost] == -1} { lappend uhlist $uhost } 
    if {$cnt < $target} { 
      set mjpc($chan) [linsert $uhlist 0 $cnt $ut] 
    } else { 
      set mjpc($chan) [list $cnt $ut] 
      if {$mjp(mode) ne "" && [string is digit -strict $mjp(mrem)]} { 
        putquick "MODE $chan +$mjp(mode)" 
        utimer $mjp(mrem) [list putquick "MODE $chan -$mjp(mode)"] 
      mjp_dobans $chan $uhlist 
    return 0 

  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} { 
    utimer 2 [list mjp_bque $chan] 
    set mjpq($chan) [list $uhost] 
  } elseif {[lsearch $mjpq($chan) $uhost] == -1} { 
    lappend mjpq($chan) $uhost 

  if {[llength $mjpq($chan)] >= $mjp(maxb)} { 
    mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan) 
    set mjpq($chan) "" 
  } elseif {[botisop $chan]} { putquick "KICK $chan $nick :$mjp(reasn)" } 
  return 0 

proc mjp_dobans {chan uhlist} { 
  global mjp 
  if {![botisop $chan]} return 
  set banList "" 
  set nickList "" 
  foreach ele $uhlist { 
    scan $ele {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} nick user host 

    if {$mjp(btype) == 2} {
      set type 4

      foreach ph $mjp(phost) {
        if {[string match -nocase $ph $host]} {
          set type 2  ;  break

      set bmask [maskhost $ele $type]

    } else {  set bmask "*!*@$host"  }

    if {[lsearch $banList $bmask] == -1} { lappend banList $bmask } 
    if {[lsearch $nickList $nick] == -1} { lappend nickList $nick } 
  stack_bans $chan $mjp(maxb) $banList 
  foreach nk $nickList { 
    if {[onchan $nk $chan]} { putquick "KICK $chan $nk :$mjp(reasn)" } 

  if {$mjp(btime) > 0} { 
    set expire [expr {[unixtime] + $mjp(btime)}] 
    lappend mjp(rmls) [list $expire $chan $banList] 

proc stack_bans {chan max banlist {opt +} } { 
  set len [llength $banlist] 
  while {$len > 0} { 
    if {$len > $max} { 
      set mode [string repeat "b" $max] 
      set masks [join [lrange $banlist 0 [expr {$max - 1}]]] 
      set banlist [lrange $banlist $max end] 
      incr len -$max 
    } else { 
      set mode [string repeat "b" $len] 
      set masks [join $banlist] 
      set len 0 
    putquick "MODE $chan ${opt}$mode $masks" 

proc mjp_bque {chan} { 
  global mjpq 
  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} { return } 
  if {$mjpq($chan) eq ""} { unset mjpq($chan) ; return } 
  mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan) 
  unset mjpq($chan) 

proc mjp_breset {} { 
  global mjpc mjp 
  set utnow [unixtime] 
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0] 
  foreach {key val} [array get mjpc] { 
    lassign $val cnt ut 
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}] 
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}] 
    if {$cnt < $target} { 
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($key) } 
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($key) } 

  if {[info exists mjp(rmls)]} { 
    while {[llength $mjp(rmls)]} { 
      set next [lindex $mjp(rmls) 0] 
      lassign $next expire chan banList 
      if {$expire > $utnow} {  break  } 
      set mjp(rmls) [lreplace $mjp(rmls) 0 0] 
      if {![info exists rmAra($chan)]} {  set rmAra($chan) $banList 
      } else {  set rmAra($chan) [concat $rmAra($chan) $banList]  } 
    foreach {key val} [array get rmAra] { 
      set banList "" 
      foreach mask $val { 
        if {![ischanban $mask $key]} {  continue  } 
        lappend banList $mask 
      if {$banList eq ""} {  continue  } 
      if {![botisop $key]} { 
        set mjp(rmls) [linsert $mjp(rmls) 0 [list $utnow $key $banList]] 
      } else {  stack_bans $key $mjp(maxb) $banList -  } 
    if {![llength $mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  } 

  utimer 30 [list mjp_breset] 

if {![info exists mjp_running]} { 
  utimer 20 [list mjp_breset] 
  set mjp_running 1 

set mjp(flood) [split $mjp(flood) :] 
set mjp(btime) [expr {$mjp(btime) * 60}] 
set mjp(phost) [split [string trim $mjp(phost)]]
if {$mjp(btime)==0 && [info exists mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  } 

putlog "Loaded mass-join-protection.tcl v1.5.1 by SpiKe^^"


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Post by simo »

that works well tnx SpiKe^^
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Post by gamble27 »

Does this exempt the netsplit users rejoining channel?
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

No, this script does not try to "exempt the netsplit users rejoining channel"

I'm really not sure what would be the best plan to do such exempting.
I could use some advice on ways to pull this off, any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Post by caesar »

What's the logic behind a script to stop the join floods? Let's say 30 bots join and at the same time some innocent user. How do you differentiate between them? Or you simply just ban them all?

Won't a script that's setting an "active" channel limit put a foot on the neck of a botnet trying to join the channel and thus limit the damage?
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

Oh so true Caesar, on both of those points.
I would never run a mass join flood script on any of my channels.
There are other better ways of handling such problems.

I am just trying to build this script for the multiple requests...

gamble27: After more research, no further coding is required to "exempt the netsplit users rejoining channel".
Eggdrop already differentiates between joins and netsplit rejoins.
The amount of time Eggdrop waits for a user to netsplit rejoin is controlled by the Eggdrop config setting: wait-split
When using this script, or any join flood script, be sure to set wait-split to 600 seconds or larger than the longest split on your network.

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Post by simo »

most mass joins are done with botnets and depending on traffic one can adjust the config setting for it or/and make use of some sort of chanlimit and since bans are temporare innocent ones can rejoin anyway after bantime

if there are other ways of keeping botnets out im curious to know as i tested it in many configurations

regarding netsplit since netsplit shows in quit messages of the unlinked server one could use that to store with a timer and halt this script ( on detect in the quits script )

this is how i would do in an msl script i lack experience in tcl to convert

Code: Select all

On !*:QUIT:{
  var %netsplit2 1
  while ($comchan($nick,%netsplit2)) {
    var %netsplitchan $v1
    if (*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.* iswm $2) && (!%Netsplit-Detected. [ $+ [ %netsplitchan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ])  {
      echo  %netsplitchan  $timestamp  Netsplit Detected between: $1  <-->  $2 
      set -z %Netsplit-Detected. [ $+ [ %netsplitchan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ]  300
    inc %netsplit2

On !^*:JOIN:#: { if (%Netsplit-Detected. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ])   { halt  } }
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

I have a new setting and the new supporting code that needs testing please...

# Max number of kicks to stack in one kick command # <- NEW SETTING <-
# NOTE: many networks allow more than one nick to be kicked per command. #
# set this at or below the max for your network.

Code: Select all

## mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.1 (29Feb2016) by SpiKe^^ ## 

# Mass joins, kick-ban on joins:seconds #
set mjp(flood) 5:2

# Mass joins kick-ban reason #
set mjp(reasn) "Mass Join Flood!"

# Max number of bans to stack in one mode command #
set mjp(maxb) 6

# Max number of kicks to stack in one kick command #          <- NEW SETTING <-
# NOTE: many networks allow more than one nick to be kicked per command. #
#       set this at or below the max for your network.
set mjp(maxk) 3

# Length of time in minutes to ban mass join flooders #
# - set 0 to disable this script removing bans (ex. set mjp(btime) 0) #
set mjp(btime) 10

# After a valid mass join flood, script will continue #
# to kick-ban offenders for an additional 'x' seconds #
set mjp(xpire) 10

# Set the type of ban masks to use #
#  1 = use host/ip specific bans (ex. *!* #
#  2 = use wide masked host/ip bans (ex. *!*@* #
#      note: setting 2 requires eggdrop 1.6.20 or newer. #
set mjp(btype) 2

# Set protected host(s) that should not be wide masked #
# - Example:  set mjp(phost) "*"
#  Note: this setting only applies to ban type 2 above! #
#  Note: set empty to not protect any hosts (ex. set mjp(phost) "") #
#  Note: space separated if listing more than one protected host #
set mjp(phost) ""

# Set channel mode(s) on flood detected. #
# - set empty to disable setting channel modes (ex. set mjp(mode) "") #
set mjp(mode) "im"

# Remove these channel modes after how many seconds? #
set mjp(mrem) 20

# END OF SETTINGS # Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing # 

bind join - * mjp_bindjoin 

proc mjp_bindjoin {nick uhost hand chan} { 
  global mjp mjpc mjpq 

  if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 } 
  if {[matchattr $hand f|f $chan]} { return 0 } 

  set uhost [string tolower $nick!$uhost] 
  set chan [string tolower $chan] 
  set utnow [unixtime] 
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0] 

  if {[info exists mjpc($chan)]} { 
    set uhlist [lassign $mjpc($chan) cnt ut] 
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}] 
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}] 
    if {$cnt < $target} { 
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($chan) } 
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($chan) } 
  if {![info exists mjpc($chan)]} { 
    set mjpc($chan) [list 1 $utnow $uhost] 
    return 0 

  incr cnt 
  if {$cnt <= $target} { 
    if {[lsearch $uhlist $uhost] == -1} { lappend uhlist $uhost } 
    if {$cnt < $target} { 
      set mjpc($chan) [linsert $uhlist 0 $cnt $ut] 
    } else { 
      set mjpc($chan) [list $cnt $ut] 
      if {$mjp(mode) ne "" && [string is digit -strict $mjp(mrem)]} { 
        putquick "MODE $chan +$mjp(mode)" 
        utimer $mjp(mrem) [list putquick "MODE $chan -$mjp(mode)"] 
      mjp_dobans $chan $uhlist 
    return 0 

  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} { 
    utimer 2 [list mjp_bque $chan] 
    set mjpq($chan) [list $uhost] 
  } elseif {[lsearch $mjpq($chan) $uhost] == -1} { 
    lappend mjpq($chan) $uhost 

  if {[llength $mjpq($chan)] >= $mjp(maxb)} { 
    mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan) 
    set mjpq($chan) "" 

  return 0 

proc mjp_dobans {chan uhlist} { 
  global mjp 
  if {![botisop $chan]} return 
  set banList "" 
  set nickList "" 
  foreach ele $uhlist { 
    scan $ele {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} nick user host 

    if {$mjp(btype) == 2} {
      set type 4

      foreach ph $mjp(phost) {
        if {[string match -nocase $ph $host]} {
          set type 2  ;  break

      set bmask [maskhost $ele $type]

    } else {  set bmask "*!*@$host"  }

    if {[lsearch $banList $bmask] == -1} { lappend banList $bmask } 
    if {[lsearch $nickList $nick] == -1} { lappend nickList $nick } 
  stack_bans $chan $mjp(maxb) $banList 

  # begin new kick code #
  foreach nk $nickList { 
    if {[onchan $nk $chan]} {  lappend nkls $nk  } else { continue }
    if {[llength $nkls] == $mjp(maxk)} {
      putquick "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mjp(reasn)"
      unset nkls
  if {[info exists nkls]} {
    putquick "KICK $chan [join $nkls ,] :$mjp(reasn)"
  # end new kick code #

  if {$mjp(btime) > 0} { 
    set expire [expr {[unixtime] + $mjp(btime)}] 
    lappend mjp(rmls) [list $expire $chan $banList] 

proc stack_bans {chan max banlist {opt +} } { 
  set len [llength $banlist] 
  while {$len > 0} { 
    if {$len > $max} { 
      set mode [string repeat "b" $max] 
      set masks [join [lrange $banlist 0 [expr {$max - 1}]]] 
      set banlist [lrange $banlist $max end] 
      incr len -$max 
    } else { 
      set mode [string repeat "b" $len] 
      set masks [join $banlist] 
      set len 0 
    putquick "MODE $chan ${opt}$mode $masks" 

proc mjp_bque {chan} { 
  global mjpq 
  if {![info exists mjpq($chan)]} { return } 
  if {$mjpq($chan) eq ""} { unset mjpq($chan) ; return } 
  mjp_dobans $chan $mjpq($chan) 
  unset mjpq($chan) 

proc mjp_breset {} { 
  global mjpc mjp 
  set utnow [unixtime] 
  set target [lindex $mjp(flood) 0] 
  foreach {key val} [array get mjpc] { 
    lassign $val cnt ut 
    set utend [expr {$ut + [lindex $mjp(flood) 1]}] 
    set expire [expr {$utend + $mjp(xpire)}] 
    if {$cnt < $target} { 
      if {$utnow > $utend} { unset mjpc($key) } 
    } elseif {$utnow > $expire} { unset mjpc($key) } 

  if {[info exists mjp(rmls)]} { 
    while {[llength $mjp(rmls)]} { 
      set next [lindex $mjp(rmls) 0] 
      lassign $next expire chan banList 
      if {$expire > $utnow} {  break  } 
      set mjp(rmls) [lreplace $mjp(rmls) 0 0] 
      if {![info exists rmAra($chan)]} {  set rmAra($chan) $banList 
      } else {  set rmAra($chan) [concat $rmAra($chan) $banList]  } 
    foreach {key val} [array get rmAra] { 
      set banList "" 
      foreach mask $val { 
        if {![ischanban $mask $key]} {  continue  } 
        lappend banList $mask 
      if {$banList eq ""} {  continue  } 
      if {![botisop $key]} { 
        set mjp(rmls) [linsert $mjp(rmls) 0 [list $utnow $key $banList]] 
      } else {  stack_bans $key $mjp(maxb) $banList -  } 
    if {![llength $mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  } 

  utimer 30 [list mjp_breset] 

if {![info exists mjp_running]} { 
  utimer 20 [list mjp_breset] 
  set mjp_running 1 

set mjp(flood) [split $mjp(flood) :] 
set mjp(btime) [expr {$mjp(btime) * 60}] 
set mjp(phost) [split [string trim $mjp(phost)]]
if {$mjp(btime)==0 && [info exists mjp(rmls)]} {  unset mjp(rmls)  } 

putlog "Loaded mass-join-protection.tcl v1.6.1 by SpiKe^^"


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Post by simo »

tested it on testnet and it works like a charm insanely fast, once again excellent release SpiKe^^ thnx for the workz im sure it will benefit many if they are aware of it keep up the works
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Bot should not unban after few secs

Post by Fahad »

Bot should lock the channel untill flood stops and it should kickban not simple ban
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Re: Bot should not unban after few secs

Post by simo »

fahadmehar wrote:Bot should lock the channel untill flood stops and it should kickban not simple ban

it does both
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Any New Version of this TCL ?

Post by Fahad »

I am BIG FAN of this TCL - Very well written by Spike^^^

Any NEW Version coming ? From where I can get this TCL's?
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Post by simo »

i found this tcl from user for banmasks i was wondering if it could be integrated (and if so how) to achieve the banmask for the anti massjoin tcl to be in the form of : ... ht=banmask

Code: Select all

HOST -> *!*  *!*@* 
IP -> *!*@   *!*@* 
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