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profanity filtering

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profanity filtering

Post by aarons »

Hi, one other question. I'm looking for something to filter out profanity in a irc chat room. i thought there might be some sort of plug in maybe somewhere? or another bot that someone knows of? i searched on google for eggdrop tcl scripts and for eggdrop scripts in and didn't find anything that would fit my need. does anyone have any ideas? thanks
Posts: 91
Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2002 8:00 pm

Post by kain »

if you mean you want something to filter out certian words
eg "<kain> f**k"
it cant be done with an eggdrop or any tcl
something like that would need to be running on the ircd

any suggestions?

Post by aarons »

do you have any suggestions then for that program? thanks for the info btw,
Posts: 91
Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2002 8:00 pm

Post by kain »

well as i said, it would need to be run on the server, and i dont know anything that would do it, and unless its your irc server it wouldnt work, just running it your end wouldnt help, maybe you can get a patch/script for mirc that substitutes certian words.
try and look in the links section for the scripts
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Post by ppslim »

The best level of support, for this in eggdrop, would be to add some form of anti-swaer, or spam script.

This would allow the spam/swear words to take place, but, the user would be punished for there actions.

It all depends at what level you wisht o dot he filtering.


Before the message arrives at the channel - This is IRCD level

Punishment, after it has occured in the channel - This can be scripted through eggdrop.

There are many scripts for teh eggdrop side of things. See the Tcl archive.
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Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Ely, Cambridgeshire

Post by Ian-Highlander »

Depending on the IRC server and wether you have any control over it or not, certain IRCd servers have +G mode for the rooms (Unreal IRCd definietly has this) this turns the room G rated (US rating) and blocks all words in the badwords.conf (I think from memory) in the servers files replacing them with <censored>.

Obviously if you dont have access to the IRCd to do this or its not that type of server this wont work. If it is a server that has this facility, try activating +G on the room or speak to a Sysop on that server.

There is however no way of gaining this sort of protection through Eggdrop as the text would have to appear in the room before Eggdrop picked it up, so an anti-swear script would be the only way to go, kicking and/or banning users that swear.



"Insanity Takes Its Toll, Please Have Exact Change"