While you wait for Spike himself to see your post, here's something to check:
Log into your bot's partyline.
Do: .channel #channelname
where #channelname is a channel that you are currently in, with the bot.
You'll get a list of everyone in the channel.
Examine your line. Does the bot recognize you as owner? If it does, it will display your handle in the Handle column, and there will be an N on your line.
Next, see t-2.settings.tcl
Find this line:
set t2(mflag) "m|m" ;# flags for /msg commands (.add .mix) #
In that example, you'd need to have the m flag.
Do: .whois <your_handle>
to see what your current flags are.
however nothing happens just sits there.
Just so you know - if it cannot find a Q&A file to load, it will respond with:
No New Question Files Found....
in a pm to you. Well, that is if it recognizes you so that it can accept the command.
Anyway, there's a couple things that you can confirm for now, while you wait.
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