BlackIP 1.7 (By: BLaCkShaDoW) - Remove all colors =)

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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:56 pm

BlackIP 1.7 (By: BLaCkShaDoW) - Remove all colors =)

Post by snerism »

Hi All, trust all is well with you guys!

The tcl works flawlessly and there are no issues.

However, would you be so kind to assist me to "Remove all the Colored Text" results that shows in the Main Channel Chatroom.

Your assistance on this matter are highly appreciated.

Code: Select all

# BlackIP 1.7
# - returns IPs (both IPv4 & IPv6) dns, location & organization information for a nick/IP/hostname.
# requires: packages http and json
# USAGE: !ip <ip> / <host> / <nickname>
# - Changed source website
# - Now supports IPv6
# - Now supports eggdrop version less than 1.8.0
# - Now with multi-language support
# To activate .chanset #channel +ip | BlackTools : .set +ip
# To chose a different language .set iplang <RO> / <EN> / <FR> / <ES>
# To work, put the two tcl's in config from the arhive: json.tcl , http.tcl
#					  (if you don't have them instaled)
#                                             BLaCkShaDoW ProductionS
#		                	        WwW.TclScripts.Net       

package require http
package require json

# set here who can execute the command (-|- for all)
set ip_flags "-|-"

# Bindings
# - using commands
bind pub $ip_flags !ip black:ip:check

# Channel flags
# - to activate the script: .set +ip or .chanset #channel +ip
# - to set script language:
# .set iplang <ro/en/fr/es> or .chanset #channel iplang <ro/en/fr/es>
setudef flag ip
setudef str iplang


# Functions
# Do NOT touch unless you know what you are doing

proc black:ip:check {nick host hand chan arg} {
	set ip [lindex [split $arg] 0]
	set ::chan $chan
	set ::ip $ip

if {![channel get $chan ip]} {

if {$ip == ""} {
	blackip:tell $nick $chan 1 none
	set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} $ip]
	set check_ipv4 [regexp {^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $ip]
if {![string match -nocase "*:*" $ip] && ![string match -nocase "*.*" $ip]} {
	putserv "WHOIS $ip"
	bind raw - 401 no:nick
	bind raw - 311 check:for:nick
if {$check_ipv6 == "0" && $check_ipv4 == "0"} {
	set getv6 [catch {exec host -t AAAA $ip 2>/dev/null} results]
	set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} [lindex $results 4]]
if {$check_ipv6 == "1"} {
	check:ip [lindex $results 4] $chan 2 $ip
	dnslookup $ip solve:ip $chan
	check:ip $ip $chan 0 none

proc no:nick { from keyword arguments } {
	set chan $::chan
	set ip $::ip
	blackip:tell "" $chan 2 $ip
	unbind raw - 401 no:nick
	unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick

proc solve:ip {ip host receive chan} {
if {$receive == "1"} {
	check:ip $ip $chan 2 $host
	} else {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 3 $host

proc solve:nick:ip {ip host receive chan nick} {
if {$receive == "1"} {
	check:ip $ip $chan 3 "$host $nick"
	} else {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 4 "$host~$nick"

proc check:for:nick { from keyword arguments } {

	set chan $::chan
	set getip [lindex [split $arguments] 3]
	set getnick [lindex [split $arguments] 1]

	set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} $getip]
	set check_ipv4 [regexp {^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $getip]
if {$check_ipv6 == "0" && $check_ipv4 == "0"} {
	set getv6 [catch {exec host -t AAAA $getip 2>/dev/null} results]
	set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} [lindex $results 4]]
if {$check_ipv6 == "1"} {
	check:ip [lindex $results 4] $chan 3 "$getip $getnick"
	unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick
	unbind raw - 401 no:nick
	dnslookup $getip solve:nick:ip $chan $getnick
	unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick
	unbind raw - 401 no:nick
	check:ip $getip $chan 0 $getnick
	unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick
	unbind raw - 401 no:nick

proc check:ip {ip chan status arg} {
global botnick
	set noinfo 0
	set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"]
	set ipq [::http::geturl "$ip"] 
	set data [http::data $ipq]
	::http::cleanup $ipq
	set parse [::json::json2dict $data]  
	set location ""
	set hostname ""
	set org ""
foreach {name info} $parse {
if {[string equal -nocase $name "hostname"]} {
if {$info != "No Hostname"} {
	set hostname $info
if {[string equal -nocase $name "city"]} {
if {$info != ""} {
	lappend location $info

if {[string equal -nocase $name "regionName"]} {
if {$info != ""} {
	lappend location $info

if {[string equal -nocase $name "country"]} {
if {$info != ""} {
	lappend location $info
if {[string equal -nocase $name "org"]} {
if {$info != ""} {
	set org $info
if {[string equal -nocase $name "status"]} {
if {$info != ""} {
if {$info == "fail"} {
	set noinfo 1

if {$noinfo == "1"} {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 13 $ip

if {$org != ""} {
	set org_text ";\00302 ORG: \00310$org\003"
} else { set org_text "" }
	set location [join $location ", "]
if {$status != 0} {
if {$status == "1"} {
if {$hostname != ""} {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 5 "$arg~$ip~$hostname~$location~$org"
} else {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 6 "$arg~$ip~$location~$org"
if {$status == "2"} { 
	blackip:tell "" $chan 7 "$arg~$ip~$location~$org"	

if {$status == "3"} {
	set nickname [lindex [split $arg] 1]
	set host [lindex [split $arg] 0]
	blackip:tell "" $chan 9 "$host~$nickname"
if {$hostname != ""} {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 8 "$ip~$hostname~$location~$org"	
} else {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 10 "$ip~$location~$org"
} else {
if {$hostname != ""} {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 11 "$ip~$hostname~$location~$org"
} else {
	blackip:tell "" $chan 12 "$ip~$location~$org"

proc blackip:tell {nick chan type arg} {
	global black
	set arg_s [split $arg "~"]
	set inc 0
foreach s $arg_s {
	set inc [expr $inc + 1]
	set replace(%msg.$inc%) $s
	set getlang [blackip:getlang $chan]
if {[info exists black(blackip.$getlang.$type)]} {
	set reply [string map [array get replace] $black(blackip.$getlang.$type)]
if {$nick != ""} {
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :$reply"
} else {
	putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$reply"

proc blackip:getlang {chan} {
	global black
	set getlang [string tolower [channel get $chan iplang]]
if {$getlang == ""} {
	set lang "en"
} else {
if {[info exists black(blackip.$getlang.1)]} {
	set lang $getlang
} else { 
	set lang "en"
	return $lang


# Romanian

set black( "\[BlackIP\] Foloseste: \002!ip\002 <ip> / <\002host\002> / <nickname>"
set black( "\[\00304%msg.1%\003]\ nu este online."
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] nu am putut rezolva adresa \00314%msg.1%\003."
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] nu am putut rezolva adresa \00314%msg.1%\003 apartinand lui \00303%msg.2%\003."
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.3%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.4%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.5%\003"
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] \00303%msg.1%\003 adresa IP necunoscuta"

# English

set black(blackip.en.1) "\[BlackIP\] USAGE: \002!ip\002 <ip> / <\002host\002> / <nickname>"
set black(blackip.en.2) "\[\00304%msg.1%\003]\ is not Online."
set black(blackip.en.3) "\[\00304X\003\] unable to resolve address \00314%msg.1%\003."
set black(blackip.en.4) "\[\00304X\003\] unable to resolve address \00314%msg.1%\003 from \00303%msg.2%\003."
set black(blackip.en.5) "\00302NickName: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.3%\003 |\00302 Location: \00314%msg.4%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.5%\003"
set black(blackip.en.6) "\00302NickName: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Location: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black(blackip.en.7) "\00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Location: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black(blackip.en.8) "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Location: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black(blackip.en.9) "\00302NickName: \00303%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003"
set black(blackip.en.10) "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Location: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black(blackip.en.11) "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Location: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black(blackip.en.12) "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Location: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black(blackip.en.13) "\[\00304X\003\] \00303%msg.1%\003 unknown ip address"

# French

set black( "\[BlackIP\] Utilisation: \002!ip\002 <ip> / <\002host\002> / <nickname>"
set black( "\[\00304%msg.1%\003]\ n'est pas en ligne."
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapable de resoudre l'adresse \00314%msg.1%\003."
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapable de resoudre l'adresse \00314%msg.1%\003 de \00303%msg.2%\003."
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.3%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.4%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.5%\003"
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] \00303%msg.1%\003 adresse IP inconnue"

# Spanish

set black( "\[BlackIP\] Uso: \002!ip\002 <ip> / <\002host\002> / <nickname>"
set black( "\[\00304%msg.1%\003]\ no esta en linea."
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapaz de resolver la direccion \00314%msg.1%\003."
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapaz de resolver la direccion \00314%msg.1%\003 desde \00303%msg.2%\003."
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.3%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.4%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.5%\003"
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003"
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003"
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] \00303%msg.1%\003 direccion IP desconocida"

putlog "BlackIP 1.7 (IPv6 support) by BLaCkShaDoW Loaded"

##   END                                                 #
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:56 pm

Solved - Colors removed!!

Post by snerism »


Code: Select all

# BlackIP 1.7 
# - returns IPs (both IPv4 & IPv6) dns, location & organization information for a nick/IP/hostname. 
# requires: packages http and json 
# USAGE: !ip <ip> / <host> / <nickname> 
# - Changed source website 
# - Now supports IPv6 
# - Now supports eggdrop version less than 1.8.0 
# - Now with multi-language support 
# To activate .chanset #channel +ip | BlackTools : .set +ip 
# To chose a different language .set iplang <RO> / <EN> / <FR> / <ES> 
# To work, put the two tcl's in config from the arhive: json.tcl , http.tcl 
#                 (if you don't have them instaled) 
#                                             BLaCkShaDoW ProductionS 
#                                 WwW.TclScripts.Net        

package require http 
package require json 

# set here who can execute the command (-|- for all) 
set ip_flags "-mnofb-" 

# Bindings 
# - using commands 
bind pub $ip_flags !ip black:ip:check 

# Channel flags 
# - to activate the script: .set +ip or .chanset #channel +ip 
# - to set script language: 
# .set iplang <ro/en/fr/es> or .chanset #channel iplang <ro/en/fr/es> 
setudef flag ip 
setudef str iplang 


# Functions 
# Do NOT touch unless you know what you are doing 

proc black:ip:check {nick host hand chan arg} { 
   set ip [lindex [split $arg] 0] 
   set ::chan $chan 
   set ::ip $ip 

if {![channel get $chan ip]} { 

if {$ip == ""} { 
   blackip:tell $nick $chan 1 none 
   set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} $ip] 
   set check_ipv4 [regexp {^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $ip] 
if {![string match -nocase "*:*" $ip] && ![string match -nocase "*.*" $ip]} { 
   putserv "WHOIS $ip" 
   bind raw - 401 no:nick 
   bind raw - 311 check:for:nick 
if {$check_ipv6 == "0" && $check_ipv4 == "0"} { 
   set getv6 [catch {exec host -t AAAA $ip 2>/dev/null} results] 
   set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} [lindex $results 4]] 
if {$check_ipv6 == "1"} { 
   check:ip [lindex $results 4] $chan 2 $ip 
   dnslookup $ip solve:ip $chan 
   check:ip $ip $chan 0 none 

proc no:nick { from keyword arguments } { 
   set chan $::chan 
   set ip $::ip 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 2 $ip 
   unbind raw - 401 no:nick 
   unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick 

proc solve:ip {ip host receive chan} { 
if {$receive == "1"} { 
   check:ip $ip $chan 2 $host 
   } else { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 3 $host 

proc solve:nick:ip {ip host receive chan nick} { 
if {$receive == "1"} { 
   check:ip $ip $chan 3 "$host $nick" 
   } else { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 4 "$host~$nick" 

proc check:for:nick { from keyword arguments } { 

   set chan $::chan 
   set getip [lindex [split $arguments] 3] 
   set getnick [lindex [split $arguments] 1] 

   set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} $getip] 
   set check_ipv4 [regexp {^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $getip] 
if {$check_ipv6 == "0" && $check_ipv4 == "0"} { 
   set getv6 [catch {exec host -t AAAA $getip 2>/dev/null} results] 
   set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} [lindex $results 4]] 
if {$check_ipv6 == "1"} { 
   check:ip [lindex $results 4] $chan 3 "$getip $getnick" 
   unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick 
   unbind raw - 401 no:nick 
   dnslookup $getip solve:nick:ip $chan $getnick 
   unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick 
   unbind raw - 401 no:nick 
   check:ip $getip $chan 0 $getnick 
   unbind raw - 311 check:for:nick 
   unbind raw - 401 no:nick 

proc check:ip {ip chan status arg} { 
global botnick 
   set noinfo 0 
   set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"] 
   set ipq [::http::geturl "$ip"] 
   set data [http::data $ipq] 
   ::http::cleanup $ipq 
   set parse [::json::json2dict $data]  
   set location "" 
   set hostname "" 
   set org "" 
foreach {name info} $parse { 
if {[string equal -nocase $name "hostname"]} { 
if {$info != "No Hostname"} { 
   set hostname $info 
if {[string equal -nocase $name "city"]} { 
if {$info != ""} { 
   lappend location $info 

if {[string equal -nocase $name "regionName"]} { 
if {$info != ""} { 
   lappend location $info 

if {[string equal -nocase $name "country"]} { 
if {$info != ""} { 
   lappend location $info 
if {[string equal -nocase $name "org"]} { 
if {$info != ""} { 
   set org $info 
if {[string equal -nocase $name "status"]} { 
if {$info != ""} { 
if {$info == "fail"} { 
   set noinfo 1 

if {$noinfo == "1"} { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 13 $ip 

if {$org != ""} { 
   set org_text ";ORG: $org" 
} else { set org_text "" } 
   set location [join $location ", "] 
if {$status != 0} { 
if {$status == "1"} { 
if {$hostname != ""} { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 5 "$arg~$ip~$hostname~$location~$org" 
} else { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 6 "$arg~$ip~$location~$org" 
if {$status == "2"} { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 7 "$arg~$ip~$location~$org"    

if {$status == "3"} { 
   set nickname [lindex [split $arg] 1] 
   set host [lindex [split $arg] 0] 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 9 "$host~$nickname" 
if {$hostname != ""} { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 8 "$ip~$hostname~$location~$org"    
} else { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 10 "$ip~$location~$org" 
} else { 
if {$hostname != ""} { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 11 "$ip~$hostname~$location~$org" 
} else { 
   blackip:tell "" $chan 12 "$ip~$location~$org" 

proc blackip:tell {nick chan type arg} { 
   global black 
   set arg_s [split $arg "~"] 
   set inc 0 
foreach s $arg_s { 
   set inc [expr $inc + 1] 
   set replace(%msg.$inc%) $s 
   set getlang [blackip:getlang $chan] 
if {[info exists black(blackip.$getlang.$type)]} { 
   set reply [string map [array get replace] $black(blackip.$getlang.$type)] 
if {$nick != ""} { 
   putserv "NOTICE $nick :$reply" 
} else { 
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$reply" 

proc blackip:getlang {chan} { 
   global black 
   set getlang [string tolower [channel get $chan iplang]] 
if {$getlang == ""} { 
   set lang "en" 
} else { 
if {[info exists black(blackip.$getlang.1)]} { 
   set lang $getlang 
} else { 
   set lang "en" 
   return $lang 


# Romanian 

set black( "\[BlackIP\] Foloseste: \002!ip\002 <ip> / <\002host\002> / <nickname>" 
set black( "\[\00304%msg.1%\003]\ nu este online." 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] nu am putut rezolva adresa \00314%msg.1%\003." 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] nu am putut rezolva adresa \00314%msg.1%\003 apartinand lui \00303%msg.2%\003." 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.3%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.4%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.5%\003" 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Locatie: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003" 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] \00303%msg.1%\003 adresa IP necunoscuta" 

# English 

set black(blackip.en.1) "\[BlackIP\] USAGE: !ip <ip> / <host> / <nickname>"
set black(blackip.en.2) "\[%msg.1%]\ is not Online." 
set black(blackip.en.3) "\[X\] unable to resolve address %msg.1%."
set black(blackip.en.4) "\[X\] unable to resolve address %msg.1% from %msg.2%."
set black(blackip.en.5) "NickName: %msg.1% | IP: %msg.2% | Host: %msg.3% | Location: %msg.4% | ORG: %msg.5%"
set black(blackip.en.6) "NickName: %msg.1% | IP: %msg.2% | Location: %msg.3% | ORG: %msg.4%"
set black(blackip.en.7) "Host: %msg.1% | IP: %msg.2% | Location: %msg.3% | ORG: %msg.4%"
set black(blackip.en.8) "IP: %msg.1% | Host: %msg.2% | Location: %msg.3% | ORG: %msg.4%"
set black(blackip.en.9) "NickName: %msg.2% | Host: %msg.1%" 
set black(blackip.en.10) "IP: %msg.1% | Location: %msg.2% | ORG: %msg.3%" 
set black(blackip.en.11) "IP: %msg.1% | Host: %msg.2% | Location: %msg.3% | ORG: %msg.4%" 
set black(blackip.en.12) "IP: %msg.1% | Location: %msg.2% | ORG: %msg.3%" 
set black(blackip.en.13) "\[X\] %msg.1% unknown ip address" 

# French 

set black( "\[BlackIP\] Utilisation: \002!ip\002 <ip> / <\002host\002> / <nickname>" 
set black( "\[\00304%msg.1%\003]\ n'est pas en ligne." 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapable de resoudre l'adresse \00314%msg.1%\003." 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapable de resoudre l'adresse \00314%msg.1%\003 de \00303%msg.2%\003." 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.3%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.4%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.5%\003" 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localisation: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003" 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] \00303%msg.1%\003 adresse IP inconnue" 

# Spanish 

set black( "\[BlackIP\] Uso: \002!ip\002 <ip> / <\002host\002> / <nickname>" 
set black( "\[\00304%msg.1%\003]\ no esta en linea." 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapaz de resolver la direccion \00314%msg.1%\003." 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] incapaz de resolver la direccion \00314%msg.1%\003 desde \00303%msg.2%\003." 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.3%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.4%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.5%\003" 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003 | \00302IP: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302Nick: \00303%msg.2%\003 | \00302Host: \00306%msg.1%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 | \00302Host: \00304%msg.2%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.3%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.4%\003" 
set black( "\00302IP: \00304%msg.1%\003 |\00302 Localizacion: \00314%msg.2%\003 |\00302 ORG: \00310%msg.3%\003" 
set black( "\[\00304X\003\] \00303%msg.1%\003 direccion IP desconocida" 

putlog "BlackIP 1.7 (IPv6 support) by BLaCkShaDoW Loaded" 

##   END                                                 # 
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