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Checking for if user shares common channel with bot

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Checking for if user shares common channel with bot

Post by ComputerTech »

Hey all, so me and simo have been making a script that shows kill info, If the killed user and the bot shares a channel, this is the code we got so far
it's not currently working heh, this is the error.

Code: Select all

[15:35:27] Tcl error [serv:killed]: can't read "chan": no such variable

Code: Select all

bind raw - NOTICE serv:killed

proc serv:killed {from key text} {
	if {[string match *!*@* $from]} {
		return 0; # not a server notice
    if {[string match "*Received KILL message for*" $text]} {
      set text [string map [list \017 ""] [stripcodes abcgru $text]]
	  #set nick2 [join [lrange [split $text] 6 7]] 
	  set nick2 [lindex [split $text] 6]
	  set nick3 [lindex [split $text] 7]
	  set by [lindex [split $text] 9]
	  set reason [join [lrange [split $text] 10 end]] 
 foreach n [chanlist $chan] {
  foreach c [channels] {
    if {![botisop $c] && [isbotnick $n] && [isop $n $c] && [ishalfop $n $c] && [matchattr [nick2hand $n] $accessFlags $c]} {return}
      putserv "privmsg $c [red] \-\-\[Killed\]\-\- [green] $nick2 [blue] $nick3 [brown] by: [red] $by [blue] Reason : [purple] $reason [nocolor]" 
	return 0
Thanks in advanced all[/code]
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Post by CrazyCat »

$chan doesn't exists.
You received a kill notice (network/server event), there is no channel information.

The end of your procedure seems to be inverted:

Code: Select all

foreach c [channels] {
   # list all channels the eggdrop is on
   foreach n [chanlist $c] {
      # list all people on $c channel
      if {![botisop $c] && [isbotnick $n] && [isop $n $c] && [ishalfop $n $c] && [matchattr [nick2hand $n] $accessFlags $c]} {return}
      putserv "privmsg $c [red] \-\-\[Killed\]\-\- [green] $nick2 [blue] $nick3 [brown] by: [red] $by [blue] Reason : [purple] $reason [nocolor]"
I'm not sure I understand your conditions to have the return:
"Bot is not @" AND "user is not bot" AND "user is @" AND "user is %" AND "user has $accessflags on channel"... Strange
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Post by ComputerTech »

Ok, let me try to describe again better.

User gets killed, If user getting killed and bot shares a channel, output the kill message, if they do not share a channel, return

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Post by CrazyCat »

Well well well...
So you can just get the bind SIGN and check if it contains a kill prefix.

When you get the killed notice, the user is no more on chans, so you can't know if it was or not in a channel shared with the eggdrop.

And I don't understand why you want the eggdrop relays the kill on the channel the user was in when the kill is already the quit message of the user
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Post by ComputerTech »

I do not wish to relay to the same channel as the user has been killed in,
i wish to relay the kills to a specify, Oper Only channel, for monitoring

so if John is killed in #channel1
and Bot is in #channel1

in #oper Bot will say john has been killed in #channel1

Thats all i need :)
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Post by CrazyCat »

Ok, I understand, and I think you didn't understand some little things
Kill is network wide, not channel relative. As I said before, you can catch the SIGN message in channels containing the killed message, but if John shares 9 channels with Bot, Bot will tell 9 times in #oper that John has been killed ?
And it will be false to say that john has been killed in #channel1, John was killed from the network.

If Bot1 kills John, Bot1 can advertise in #oper that it does because John must be punish in #channel1, no reason to wait for the server notice.
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Post by ComputerTech »

I see, well me and simo have created a code to suit our needs, we'll post what we created in a few :P
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Post by simo »

We didnt create anything we modified or rather i modified an existing code
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Post by ComputerTech »

Oh, didn't realise that *shrug*, anyway Thanks CrazyCat
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