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Changing Tcl Script ! Need Help

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Changing Tcl Script ! Need Help

Post by aboutme »

Hi All , I am using tcl script for proxys
REMOTECONNECT: Client connecting at user123!webirc@ ( [https://****.info]
From this Remoteconnect my code is taking the ip :

Code: Select all

roc rem_conn {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global cds cdsstatus
if {$chan == "#services"} {
set text [string trim $text]
set cds(current-nick) [lindex [string map -nocase [list "!" " "] [lindex $text 5]] 0]
set cds(current-target) [string map -nocase [list "(" "" ")" ""] [lindex $text 6]]
if {[regexp -- {([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})} $cds(current-target) match a b c d]} {
 foreach server [split $cds(lists) " "] {
 dnslookup "$d.$c.$b.$a.$server" cds:iplookup $cds(current-nick) $server
 set cdsstatus($server) "[expr [lindex $cdsstatus($server) 0] + 1] [lindex $cdsstatus($server) 1]"
 set cdsstatus(total) "[expr $cdsstatus(total) + 1]"
NOW I want to make a new code
To take the ip from this letter :
REMOTEANNOUNCEMENT: From Connecting user 653AAUJB0 detected as using CGI:IRC (, changing real host to from

I want to take this ip
What i have to change in my code? Please help
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Post by CrazyCat »

First: do not double post.

Second: I guess you use a bind pub (or pubm), can you show us which one you use ?
You probably can use the same proc whith changing the bind to catch another keyword, as your proc extract the IP from the text.
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