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Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
Posts: 399 Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:29 am
by ComputerTech » Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:30 pm
Anyway possible to not use
variable soo many times, maybe like this.
Code: Select all
foreach {foo bar moo} [split $args] {break}
For this code
Code: Select all
namespace eval CT-IP {
# Start of configuration #
# Trigger
variable trig "!ip"
variable api "2bbd882cec5fa5f26d53fe6049a21343"
# Flags
# n = Owner
# m = Master
# o = Op
# h = Halfop
# v = Voice
# f = Friend
# - = Everyone
variable flag "-|-"
# Output
# M = Message
# N = Notice
# N = Nick
# C = Channel
variable outp "MC"
# End of configuration #
variable author "ComputerTech"
variable version "v0.1"
variable name "CT-IP"
package require http
package require json
bind PUB $flag $trig [namespace current]::IP:proc
proc putout {text} {
variable outp
upvar 1 nick nick chan chan
switch -- [string index $outp 0] {
"M" {variable action "PRIVMSG"}
"N" {variable action "NOTICE"}
switch -- [string index $outp 1] {
"N" {variable target $nick}
"C" {variable target $chan}
putserv "${action} ${target} :$text"
proc IP:proc {nick host hand chan text} {
variable api
variable url ""
variable params [::http::formatQuery q [lindex $text 0] $api]
variable data [http::data [http::geturl "$url?$params" -timeout 10000]]
variable data2 [::json::json2dict $data]
http::cleanup $data2
variable ip [dict get $data2 "ip"]
variable hostname [dict get $data2 "hostname"]
variable type [dict get $data2 "type"]
variable continent [dict get $data2 "continent_name"]
variable country [dict get $data2 "country_name"]
variable region [dict get $data2 "region_name"]
variable city [dict get $data2 "city"]
variable latitude [dict get $data2 "latitude"]
variable longitude [dict get $data2 "longitude"]
variable location [dict get $data2 "location"]
variable language [dict get $location "languages"]
variable name [dict get $language "name"]
putout "\002IP\002: $ip | \002Hostname\002: $hostname | \002Type\002: $type"
putout "\002Continent\002: $continent | \002Country\002: $country | \002Region\002: $region"
putout "\002City\002: $city | \002Latitude\002: $latitude | \002Longitude\002 $longitude |\002Language\002 $name"
putlog "$name $version by $author Loaded!"
Imo it looks messy with multiple usage of
variable or set
thanks in advanced
Revered One
Posts: 1306 Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2002 8:00 pm
Location: France
by CrazyCat » Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:16 pm
You don't want to name all the variables in the dict ?
Code: Select all
foreach varname [dict keys $data2] {
set ip($varname) [dict get $data2 $varname]
And after, use $ip(ip), $ip(hostname), ...
Posts: 399 Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:29 am
by ComputerTech » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:19 pm
That looks perfect CrazyCat, i'll go test it
Posts: 399 Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:29 am
by ComputerTech » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:38 pm
Okay so, i tried it and i get this error
Code: Select all
[00:37:20] Tcl error [::CT-IP::IP:proc]: can't define "ip(ip)": name refers to an element in an array
with this code
Code: Select all
namespace eval CT-IP {
# Start of configuration #
# Trigger
variable trig "!ip"
variable api "2bbd882cec5fa5f26d53fe6049a21343"
# Flags
# n = Owner
# m = Master
# o = Op
# h = Halfop
# v = Voice
# f = Friend
# - = Everyone
variable flag "-|-"
# Output
# M = Message
# N = Notice
# N = Nick
# C = Channel
variable outp "MC"
# End of configuration #
variable author "ComputerTech"
variable version "v0.1"
variable name "CT-IP"
package require http
package require json
bind PUB $flag $trig [namespace current]::IP:proc
proc putout {text} {
variable outp
upvar 1 nick nick chan chan
switch -- [string index $outp 0] {
"M" {variable action "PRIVMSG"}
"N" {variable action "NOTICE"}
switch -- [string index $outp 1] {
"N" {variable target $nick}
"C" {variable target $chan}
putserv "${action} ${target} :$text"
proc IP:proc {nick host hand chan text} {
variable api
variable url "[lindex $text 0]?access_key=$api&hostname=1"
variable data [http::data [http::geturl "$url" -timeout 10000]]
variable data2 [::json::json2dict $data]
http::cleanup $data2
foreach varname [dict keys $data2] {
variable ip($varname) [dict get $data2 $varname]
putout "$ip(ip)"
putlog "$name $version by $author Loaded!"
And here's a example from the json output
Code: Select all
"ip": "2a07:4840::1:0:0:0:2f",
"hostname": "2a07:4840::1:0:0:0:2f",
"type": "ipv6",
"continent_code": "EU",
"continent_name": "Europe",
"country_code": "GB",
"country_name": "United Kingdom",
"region_code": "ENG",
"region_name": "England",
"city": "Maidenhead",
"zip": "SL6",
"latitude": 51.531681060791016,
"longitude": -0.7307500243186951,
"location": {
"geoname_id": 2643186,
"capital": "London",
"languages": [
"code": "en",
"name": "English",
"native": "English"
"country_flag": "",
"country_flag_emoji": "🇬🇧",
"country_flag_emoji_unicode": "U+1F1EC U+1F1E7",
"calling_code": "44",
"is_eu": true
Mint Rubber
Posts: 3778 Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Mint Factory
by caesar » Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:58 am
He said
Code: Select all
set ip($varname) [dict get $data2 $varname]
and you used:
Code: Select all
variable ip($varname) [dict get $data2 $varname]
To make it less confusing I would replace
varname with
key , since that's what you are looping over the keys from that dictionary.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Posts: 399 Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:29 am
by ComputerTech » Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:26 am
oh damn lol, i missed that
Thanks caesar
Posts: 399 Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:29 am
by ComputerTech » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:33 pm
Still don't understand why it generates a error in Partyline.
Code: Select all
[01:32:57] Tcl error [::CT-IP::IP:proc]: can't define "ip 2001:bc8:32d7:26c:: hostname 2001:bc8:32d7:26c:: type ipv6 continent_code EU continent_name Europe country_code FR country_name France region_code IDF region_name Île-de-France city Saint-Ouen zip 75008 latitude 48.861000061035156 longitude 2.3380000591278076 location {geoname_id 2977824 capital Paris languages {{code fr name French native Français}} country_flag http://assets.i
With this code
Code: Select all
namespace eval CT-IP {
# Start of configuration #
# Trigger
variable trig "!ip"
variable api "2bbd882cec5fa5f26d53fe6049a21343"
# Flags
# n = Owner
# m = Master
# o = Op
# h = Halfop
# v = Voice
# f = Friend
# - = Everyone
variable flag "-|-"
# Output
# M = Message
# N = Notice
# N = Nick
# C = Channel
variable outp "MC"
# End of configuration #
variable author "ComputerTech"
variable version "v0.1"
variable name "CT-IP"
package require http
package require json
bind PUB $flag $trig [namespace current]::IP:proc
proc putout {text} {
variable outp
upvar 1 nick nick chan chan
switch -- [string index $outp 0] {
"M" {variable action "PRIVMSG"}
"N" {variable action "NOTICE"}
switch -- [string index $outp 1] {
"N" {variable target $nick}
"C" {variable target $chan}
putserv "${action} ${target} :$text"
proc IP:proc {nick host hand chan text} {
variable api
variable url "[lindex $text 0]?access_key=$api&hostname=1"
variable data [http::data [http::geturl "$url" -timeout 10000]]
variable data2 [::json::json2dict $data]
http::cleanup $data2
foreach key [dict keys $data2] {
set ip($key) [dict get $data2 $key]
putout "$ip(ip)"
putlog "$name $version by $author Loaded!"
Mint Rubber
Posts: 3778 Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Mint Factory
by caesar » Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:45 am
Most likely cos you are doing a cleanup on $data2, instead of $data.. anyway your variables confuses me so I made it from scratch.
Code: Select all
proc IP:proc {nick host hand chan text} {
variable api
if {[scan $text {%s} ip] < 1} return
set url "$ip?access_key=$api&hostname=1"
catch {set http [::http::geturl $url -timeout 6000]} error
set data [::http::data $http]
set dict [::json::json2dict $data]
::http::cleanup $http
foreach key [dict keys $dict] {
set result($key) [dict get $dict $key]
putout "$result(ip)"
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Posts: 399 Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:29 am
by ComputerTech » Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:29 am
That works perfect caesar! thanks a ton mate