Code: Select all
## This iMDB.tcl requires Eggdrop1.6.0 or higher ##
## (c) 2003 by B0unTy ##
## ##
## changed by znuff ##
## 23.08.2011 ##
## * Fixed parse of multiple cookies (release date, rating, rbar, votes, ##
## title, runtime, awards, comments, mpaa, cert) ##
## * Fixed color output for rbar ##
## * Set output to UTF-8 by default ##
## * Added a new cookie - bullet separator (%bull) ##
## * Runtime cookie now includes the prefix "min" ##
## * Changed default search url to akas.* to bypass the stupid localization ##
## of the title ##
## * Grabbing user comments makes another request to IMdb! ##
## * What I didn't fix: company, cast_multiline, cast_ine, screens - they ##
## do produce output, but not the desired one, and I have no intention ##
## to fix ##
## ##
## changed by username ##
## 19.10.2010 ##
## *fixed page parsing errors ##
## ##
## changed by OV2 ##
## 05.01.2010 ##
## *fixed remaining bugs with imdb changes ##
## ##
## 02.01.2010 ##
## *modified for imdb page changes ##
## ##
## 16.09.2008 ##
## *modified for new imdb page ##
## ##
## 25.05.2008 ##
## *plot works again ##
## ##
## 19.05.2008 ##
## *fixed the non-working cookies (cert, soundmix ...) ##
## * "|" characters in cookies are displayed again ##
## ##
## 21.09.2007 ##
## *multiline color/underline/bold were broken ##
## +added single-line cast (%castline) ##
## +added the remaining information from imdb (color, cert, etc...) ##
## ##
## 17.07.2007 ##
## *fix for the exact title matching ##
## *exact name matches are no longer confused with exact title matches ##
## ##
## 27.06.2007 ##
## *works with new imdb search page ##
## *%uline works again ##
## ##
## 09.04.2007: ##
## *fixed director/s writer/s ##
## +added support for plot keywords ##
## +added support for user comment line ##
## ##
## 28.02.2007: ##
## *ratings work again ##
## *director and writing credits work again ##
## ##
## 25.02.2007: ##
## *fixed some bugs of the previous changes (thanks to rosc2112) ##
## ##
## 24.02.2007: ##
## *bold/underline/color in front of the multiline cast will now be ##
## applied to each of the cast lines ##
## *the | character is now used to declare sections in the announce line ##
## if any variable in a section is not found on the imdb page, the ##
## corresponding section will not be displayed in the output ##
## (see the default announce line for an example) ##
## ##
## 22.02.2007: ##
## *incorporated some code from rosc2112's version ##
## *some small fixes ##
## ##
## 20.02.2007: ##
## *changed regexp queries to accomodate the new imdb layout ##
## *cleaned up the unneccesary post-regexp code ##
## ##
## 14.05.2006: ##
## *fixed plot outline not showing completely if it included links ##
## (thanks to darkwing for finding the bug) ##
## +added support for awards (thanks to rosc2112) ##
## +added support for the cast list (be careful with the limit) ##
## +added support for writing credits ##
## ##
## 21.01.2006: ##
## *fixed problem with irregular search-result pages from imdb ##
## ##
## 31.08.2005: ##
## *changed search result priority again: ##
## 1. popular match where the title=search string ##
## 2. exact matches ##
## 3. first title on page ##
## *fixed missig warn_msg var ##
## ##
## until 24.06.2005: ##
## *works with new IMDB ##
## *works with (hopefully) all search results (popular/exact/partial) ##
## +added timeouts (20secs) ##
## +added bottom 100 support ##
## +added rating bar from chilla's imdb-script ##
## +added flood control ##
## *small speedup (if your output does not include %screens or %budget ##
## *changed proc name to improve compatibility with other scripts ##
## *changed search result priority to {exact->first displayed} ##
## ##
## ##
## INSTALL: ##
## ======== ##
## 1- Copy iMDB.tcl in your dir scripts/ ##
## 2- Add iMDB.tcl in your eggdrop.conf: ##
## source scripts/imdb.tcl ##
## ##
## For each channel you want users to use !imdb cmd ##
## Just type in partyline: .chanset #channel +imdb ##
## ##
# =============
# TITLE = %title | BOLD = %bold
# URL = %url | UNDERLINE = %uline
# DIRECTOR = %name | COLORS = %color#,#
# GENRE = %genre | NEW LINE = \n
# PLOT OUTLINE = %plot |-----------------------------
# RATING = %rating | !! to reset color code !!
# RATING_BAR = %rbar | !! use %color w/o args !!
# VOTES = %votes |
# RUNTIME = %time (incl. "min") | "|" declares a section
# AWARDS = %awards | if any cookie in a section
# BUDGET = %budget | is empty the whole section
# SCREENS = %screens | is removed from the output
# TAGLINE = %tagline | (end section with "|")
# MPAA = %mpaa |
# COUNTRY = %country |
# LANGUAGE = %language |
# SOUND MIX = %soundmix |
# TOP 250 = %top250 |
# CAST LINES = %castmline |
# CAST SNGLELINE = %castline |
# WRITING CREDITS = %wcredits |
# PLOT KEYWORDS = %keywords |
# COMMENT LINE = %comment |
# RELEASE DATE = %reldate |
# MOVIE COLOR = %mcolor |
# ASPECT RATIO = %aspect |
# LOCATIONS = %locations |
# COMPANY = %company |
# + 19.10.2010
# Also Known As = %aka
# + 23.8.2011
# BULLET (separator)= %bull
# ====================
# Exemple:
# set random(IMDBIRC-0) "IMDB info for %bold%title%bold Directed by %name"
# set random(IMDBIRC-1) "IMDB info for %title Directed by %bold%name%bold"
# set random(IMDBIRC-2) "IMDB info for %title Directed by %name"
# TYPE --------^ ^
# ID --------^
# set announce(IMDBIRC) "random 3"
# TYPE ---------^ ^ ^
# RANDOM ----------^ ^
# # OF IDS ---------^
# exemple random announces:
# set announce(IMDBIRC) "random 3"
# set random(IMDBIRC-0) "IMDB info for %bold%title%bold Directed by %name -> rated %uline%rating%uline (%votes votes) - genre: %genre - runtime: %time mins >> URL: %uline%url%uline >> Budget: %budget >> Screens: (USA) %screens"
# set random(IMDBIRC-1) "TITLE: %bold%title%bold - DIRECTOR: %name - RATE: %rating by %votes users - GENRE: %genre - RUNTIME: %time mins - URL: %url - BUDGET: %budget - SCREENS: (USA) %screens"
# set random(IMDBIRC-2) "%bold%title%bold - %url\n%boldDirected by:%bold %name\n%boldGenre:%bold %genre\n%boldTagline:%bold %tagline\n%boldSynopsis:%bold %plot\n%boldRating:%bold %rating (%votes votes) top 250:%bold%top250%bold\n%boldMPAA:%bold %mpaa\n%boldRuntime:%bold %time mins.
# example normal announce:
# set announce(IMDBIRC) "%bold%title%bold - %url\n|Rating: %rating (%votes votes) %rbar| |%top250|\n|%plot|"
# set announce(IMDBIRC) "%bold%title%bold |\[%time mins - %mcolor\]| - %url\n|Genre: %genre|\n|Tagline: %tagline|\n|Synopsis: %plot|\n|Rating: %rating (%votes votes) %rbar| |%color3%top250%color|\n|Awards: %awards|"
#set announce(IMDBIRC) "%bold%title%bold - %url\n|%boldGenre:%bold %genre|\n|Plot Keywords: %keywords|\n|Tagline: %tagline|\n|Synopsis: %plot|\n|Rating: %rating (%votes votes) %rbar| |%color3%top250%color|\n|Comment: %comment|\n|Awards: %awards|\n|Runtime: %time mins.|"
# set default announce format
set announce(IMDBIRC) "
%bold%title%bold (%aka)\n
|%boldTagline:%bold %tagline %bold\n|
|%boldURL:%bold %url| |%bull %boldGenre:%bold %genre\n|
|%boldRelease date:%bold %reldate| |%bull %boldRating:%bold %rating (%votes votes)| |%bull %boldRuntime:%bold %time|\n
#trigger command in channel
set trigger "!imdb"
#rating bar color
set barcol1 "14"
set barcol2 "7"
#cast count to return on multiline and single line (0 means no limit)
set cast_linelimit "5"
#http connection timeout (milliseconds)
set imdb_timeout "25000"
set queue_enabled 1
#max requests
set queue_size 5
#per ? seconds
set queue_time 120
# for a channel !imdb request
# set to 1 = all results will be sent publicly to the channel
# set to 0 = all results will be sent as private notice
set pub_or_not 1
# use or not the imdb debugger (1=enable debug 0=disable debug)
# set IMDB_ALTERNATIVE 0 = use the internal tcl http 2.3 package
# set IMDB_ALTERNATIVE 1 = use the external curl 6.0+
# set here the location path where find curl 6.0+
set binary(CURL) "/usr/bin/curl"
# note for windrop: use normal slashes, e.g. C:/path/to/curl.exe
if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } { package require http 2.3 }
setudef flag imdb
bind pub -|- $trigger imdb_proc
set instance 0
set warn_msg 0
proc htmlcodes {tempfile} {
# set mapfile [string map {& & ' ' ' ' [ ( \ / ] ) { ( } ) " " ? ? ? ? © © « « ® ® ? ? ? ? } $tempfile]
# set mapfile [string map {? ? · · ^(1) ^(1) » » 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 A` A` A' A' A^ A^ } $mapfile]
# set mapfile [string map {A~ A~ A" A" A* A* ? ? C, C, E` E` E' E' E^ E^ E" E" I` I` I' I' I^ I^ I" I" ? ? N~ N~ O` O` O' O' O^ O^ O~ O~ O" O" } $mapfile]
# set mapfile [string map {? ? ? ? U` U` U' U' U^ U^ U" U" Y' Y' ? ? ? ? a` a` a' a' a^ a^ a~ a~ a" a" a* a* ? ? c, c, e` e` e' e' e^ e^ } $mapfile]
# set mapfile [string map {e" e" i` i` i' i' i^ i^ i" i" ? ? n~ n~ o` o` o' o' o^ o^ o~ o~ o" o" ? ? ? ? u` u` u' u' u^ u^ u" u" y' y' ? ? } $mapfile]
set mapfile [string map { "" & "&" " \"} $tempfile]
return $mapfile
proc channel_check_imdb { chan } {
foreach setting [channel info $chan] {
if {[regexp -- {^[\+-]} $setting]} {
if {![string compare "+imdb" $setting]} {
set permission 1
} else {
set permission 0
return $permission
proc replacevar {strin what withwhat} {
set output $strin
set replacement $withwhat
set cutpos 0
while { [string first $what $output] != -1 } {
set cutstart [expr [string first $what $output] - 1]
set cutstop [expr $cutstart + [string length $what] + 1]
set output [string range $output 0 $cutstart]$replacement[string range $output $cutstop end]
return $output
proc findnth {strin what count} {
set ret 0
for {set x 0} {$x < $count} {incr x} {
set ret [string first $what $strin [expr $ret + 1]]
return $ret
proc imdb_proc { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
global cast_linelimit instance queue_size queue_time queue_enabled imdb_timeout barcol1 barcol2 IMDB_DEBUG pub_or_not announce random warn_msg trigger binary IMDB_ALTERNATIVE
# channel_check permission
set permission_result [channel_check_imdb $chan]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG permission_result == $permission_result" }
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG instance == $instance" }
if { $permission_result == 0} { return }
# public or private
if {$pub_or_not == 1 } { set toput "PRIVMSG $chan" } else { set toput "NOTICE $nick" }
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG toput_result == $toput" }
# if no arg passed, show help
if {$arg == ""} {
if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } { set using "Http 2.3+" } else { set using "Curl 6.0+" }
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG no arg passed, show help" }
puthelp "$toput :IMDb info script \002v05.01.2010\002 using \002$using\002"
puthelp "$toput :\002Syntax: $trigger <movie title>\002 example: $trigger Beautiful Mind"
if { $queue_enabled == 1 } {
if { $instance >= $queue_size } {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG flood detected" }
if { $warn_msg == 0 } {
set warn_msg 1
putquick "$toput :Flood-Control: Request for \"$arg\" from user \"$nick\" will not be answered."
putquick "$toput :Flood-Control: Maximum of $queue_size requests every $queue_time seconds."
utimer 120 wmsg
incr instance
if { $IMDB_DEBUG == 1 } { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG new instance == $instance" }
# initial search
set imdburl ""
set imdbsearchurl ";nm=on;mx=5;"
set searchString [string map {\ %20 & %26 , %2C} $arg]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG searchString: \"$searchString\"" }
if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
set page [::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3"]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG ${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString" }
if [catch {set page [::http::geturl ${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString -timeout $imdb_timeout]} error] {
puthelp "$toput :Error retrieving URL... try again later."
::http::Finish $page
if { [::http::status $page] == "timeout" } {
puthelp "$toput :\002Connection to timed out while doing initial search.\002"
::http::Finish $page
set html [::http::data $page]
::http::Finish $page
} else {
catch { exec $binary(CURL) "${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString" } html
#if redirect necessary (search page), find first link and redirect
if { ([regexp {<title>IMDb.*Search} $html] == 1) } {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG redirect 1" }
set ttcode "0000001"
set start "0"
set temp $html
#dealing with different search results
set hit 0
if { [regexp -indices {Popular Titles} $temp tstart] } {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG found popular titles" }
set temp2 [string range $temp [lindex $tstart 1] end]
regexp {1\..*?<a.*?>(.*?)</a>} $temp2 dummy title
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG compare $title == $arg" }
if { [string equal -nocase $title $arg] } {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG equals - displaying first popular match" }
set temp $temp2
set hit 1
} else {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG not equal - searching for exact match" }
if { $hit == 0 } {
if { [regexp -indices {Titles \(Exact Matches\)} $temp start] } {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG displaying exact match" }
} elseif { [regexp -indices {Titles} $temp start] } {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG no exact match - displaying first title on page" }
} else {
puthelp "$toput :No useful results."
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG no titles results found" }
set temp [string range $temp [lindex $start 1] end]
#searching for first ttcode
if [regexp {/title/tt[0-9]+} $temp ttcode] {
set pos [string last / $ttcode] ; incr pos
set ttcode [string range $ttcode $pos end]
# for bogus ttcode
if { $ttcode == "0000001" } {
puthelp "$toput :No no no! I can't find that!"
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG bogus ttcode" }
set newurl "$imdburl/title/$ttcode/"
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG redirect 1 = $newurl" }
# get the page redirected to
unset html
if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
set page [::http::geturl $newurl -timeout $imdb_timeout]
if [catch {set page [::http::geturl $newurl -timeout $imdb_timeout]} error] {
puthelp "$toput :Error retrieving URL... try again later."
::http::Finish $page
if {[::http::status $page]=="timeout"} {
puthelp "$toput :\002Connection to timed out.\002"
::http::Finish $page
set html [::http::data $page]
::http::Finish $page
} else {
catch { exec $binary(CURL) "$newurl" } html
# if no redirect necessary (only one match in meta), then go there
} else {
set location ""
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG redirect 0" }
if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
upvar 0 $page oldpage
regexp {title/tt[0-9]+/} $oldpage(meta) location
} else {
set result [catch { exec $binary(CURL) -i "${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString" } oldpage]
putlog $oldpage
regexp {title/tt[0-9]+/} $oldpage location
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG redirect 0 Location == $location" }
set newurl "$imdburl/$location"
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG redirect 0 = $newurl" }
if { $location != "" } {
if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
unset html
set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
if [catch {set page [::http::geturl $newurl -timeout $imdb_timeout]} error] {
puthelp "$toput :Error retrieving URL... try again later."
::http::Finish $page
if {[::http::status $page]=="timeout"} {
puthelp "$toput :\002Connection to timed out.\002"
::http::Finish $page
set html [::http::data $page]
::http::Finish $page
} else {
unset html
catch { exec $binary(CURL) "$newurl" } html
} else {
puthelp "$toput :Error in search mechanics - you probably need a newer version."
# grab footer content / user comment
if { $newurl != "" } {
set part2 "_ajax/footer"
set footerurl "$newurl$part2"
if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
if [catch {set page [::http::geturl $footerurl -timeout $imdb_timeout]} error] {
puthelp "$toput :Error retrieving URL... try again later."
::http::Finish $page
if {[::http::status $page]=="timeout"} {
puthelp "$toput :\002Connection to timed out.\002"
::http::Finish $page
set html2 [::http::data $page]
::http::Finish $page
} else {
catch { exec $binary(CURL) "$footerurl" } html2
} else {
puthelp "$toput :Error in search mechanics - you probably need a newer version."
# for bogus searches
if {[string length $newurl] == 0} {
puthelp "$toput :No no no! I can't find that!"
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG bogus searches" }
# decide on output
if { ! [string compare [lindex $announce(IMDBIRC) 0] "random"] && [string is alnum -strict [lindex $announce(IMDBIRC) 1]] == 1 } {
set output $random(IMDBIRC\-[rand [lindex $announce(IMDBIRC) 1]])
} else {
set output $announce(IMDBIRC)
# collect output
set title "N/A"; set aka "N/A"; set name "N/A"; set genre "N/A"; set tagline "N/A"; set plot "N/A"; set rating "N/A";
set votes "N/A"; set mpaa "N/A"; set runtime "N/A"; set budget "N/A"; set screens "N/A"; set country "N/A"; set language "N/A";
set soundmix "N/A"; set top250 "top/bottom:N/A"; set awards "N/A"; set rating_bar ""; set cast_multiline "N/A"; set wcredits "N/A";
set keywords "N/A"; set comment "N/A"; set reldate "N/A"; set cast_line "N/A"; set movie_color "N/A"; set aspect_ratio "N/A";
set cert "N/A"; set film_locations "N/A"; set company "N/A"
## get title
if [regexp {<title>[^<]+} $html title dummy] {
set pos [expr [string first > $title] +1]
set pos2 [expr [string first ) $title]]
set title [string range $title $pos $pos2]
set title [htmlcodes $title]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG title == $title" }
## get aka
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Also Known As:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy aka] {
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $aka {} aka
set aka [string map {"See more" "" \n "" & " & " » ""} $aka]
set aka [string trim $aka]
set aka [htmlcodes $aka]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG aka == $aka" }
## get director
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">.*?Director:.*?</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy name] {
regsub -all {\n[ ]*} $name {} name
set name [string map {"&<br/>" "& " "<br/>" ", " "See more" ""} $name]
regsub -all {<[^>]+>} $name {} name
set name [string trim $name]
regsub -all {,$} $name {} name
set name [htmlcodes $name]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG director == $name" }
## get writing credits
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">.*?Writers:.*?</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy wcredits] {
regsub -all {\n[ ]*} $wcredits {} wcredits
set wcredits [string map {"See more" "" "<br/> " "" "&<br/>" "& " "&<br/>" "& " "<br/>" ", " "»" ""} $wcredits]
regsub -all {<[^>]+>} $wcredits {} wcredits
set wcredits [string trim $wcredits]
regsub -all {,$} $wcredits {} wcredits
set wcredits [htmlcodes $wcredits]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG writer == $wcredits" }
# release date
if {[regexp {<time itemprop="datePublished" .*?>(.*?)</time>} $html dummy reldate]} {
regsub -all {[\n\s]+} $runtime {} runtime
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG release date == $reldate" }
## get genre
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Genres:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy genre] {
set genre [string map {"See more" "" " "} $genre]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $genre {} genre
set genre [string map {"|" "||" } $genre]
set genre [string trim $genre]
regsub {\(.*\)} $genre {} genre
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG genre == $genre" }
## get tagline
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Taglines:</h4>(.*?)<} $html dummy tagline] {
set tagline [string map {"See more" "" } $tagline]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $tagline {} tagline
set tagline [string trim $tagline]
set tagline [htmlcodes $tagline]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG tagline == $tagline" }
## get plot outline
if { [regexp {<h2>Storyline</h2>(.*?)<em .*?>} $html dummy plot] || [regexp {<h5>Plot Summary:</h5>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy plot] } {
set plot [string map {"See more" "" "(view trailer)" "" "full summary" "" "add synopsis" "" "full synopsis (warning! may contain spoilers)" "" "full synopsis" "" " | " ""} $plot]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $plot {} plot
set plot [string trim $plot]
set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG plot == $plot" }
## get plot keywords
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Plot Keywords:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy keywords] {
set keywords [string map {"See more" "" \n "" " " » ""} $keywords]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $keywords {} keywords
set keywords [string map {"|" "||"} $keywords]
set keywords [string trim $keywords]
set keywords [htmlcodes $keywords]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG keywords == $keywords" }
## get awards
if [regexp {<div class="article highlighted" >(.*?)<span.*?href="awards"} $html awards] {
regsub -all {[\n]} $awards {} awards
set pos [expr [string first "<b>" $awards] +3]
set pos2 [expr [string first "<span" $awards] -1]
set awards [string range $awards $pos $pos2]
set awards [string map {"</b>" " "} $awards]
set awards [htmlcodes $awards]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG awards == $awards" }
## get comment
if [regexp {<div class="user-comments">.*?</strong>} $html2 comment] {
regsub -all {[\n]} $comment {} comment
set pos [expr [string first "<strong>" $comment] +8]
set pos2 [expr [string first "</strong>" $comment] -9]
set comment [string range $comment $pos $pos2]
set comment [string trim $comment]
set comment [htmlcodes $comment]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG comment == $comment" }
## get iMDb rating
if [regexp {<span class="rating-rating"><span class="value">(.*?)</span>} $html rating] {
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $rating {} rating
#rating bar code - attempt at recreating
set goldstars [expr round($rating)]
set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
# generating the rating bar
set marker "*"
set rating_bar "%color$barcol1\[%color$barcol2"
for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
set marker "-"
set rating_bar "$rating_bar%color$barcol2"
for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
set rating_bar "$rating_bar%color$barcol1\]%color"
#end rating bar code
if [regexp {<span itemprop="ratingCount">(.*?)</span>} $html votes] {
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $votes {} votes
#if [regexp {<b>((.*?)</b><span class="mellow">/10)</span>.*?<a .*? href="ratings".*?>(.*?) votes</a>} $html dummy rating goldstars votes] {
# regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $rating {} rating
# #rating bar code
# set goldstars [expr round($goldstars)]
# set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
# # generating the rating bar
# set marker "*"
# set rating_bar "$barcol1\[$barcol2"
# for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
# set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
# }
# set marker "-"
# set rating_bar "$rating_bar14"
# for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
# set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
# }
# set rating_bar "$rating_bar$barcol1\]"
# #end rating bar code
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG rating == $rating | votes == $votes | rating bar == $rating_bar" }
## get TOP 250
if [regexp {<strong>Top 250 #([\d]+)</strong>} $html dummy top250] {
} elseif [regexp {>(Bottom 100: #[\d]+)</a>} $html dummy top250] {
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG top250 == $top250" }
## get MPAA
if [regexp {<span itemprop="contentRating">.*?</span>} $html mpaa] {
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $mpaa {} mpaa
set mpaa [string trim $mpaa]
set mpaa [htmlcodes $mpaa]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG mpaa == $mpaa" }
## get runtime
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Runtime:</h4>.*?<time .*?>(.*?)</time>} $html dummy runtime] {
regsub -all {[\n\s]+} $runtime {} runtime
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG runtime == $runtime" }
## get country
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Country:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy country] {
set country [string map { " "} $country]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $country {} country
set country [string map {"|" "||" } $country]
regsub -all {[\n]+} $country {} country
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG country == $country" }
## get language
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Language:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy language] {
set language [string map {"See more" "" \n "" " " » ""} $language]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $language {} language
regsub -all {[\n]+} $language {} language
set language [string map {"|" "||"} $language]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG language == $language" }
## get movie color
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Color:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy movie_color] {
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $movie_color {} movie_color
regsub -all {[\n\s]+} $movie_color {} movie_color
set movie_color [string trim $movie_color]
set movie_color [string map {"|" "||"} $movie_color]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG movie_color == $movie_color" }
## get aspect ratio
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Aspect Ratio:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy aspect_ratio] {
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $aspect_ratio {} aspect_ratio
set aspect_ratio [string map {"more" "" } $aspect_ratio]
set aspect_ratio [string trim $aspect_ratio]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG aspect_ratio == $aspect_ratio" }
## get soundmix
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Sound Mix:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy soundmix] {
set soundmix [string map {"See more" "" \n "" "" » ""} $soundmix]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $soundmix {} soundmix
regsub -all {[\n]+} $soundmix {} soundmix
set soundmix [string map {"|" "||"} $soundmix]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG soundmix == $soundmix" }
## get certification
if [regexp {<div class="infobar">.*?alt="(.*?)"} $html dummy cert] {
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $cert {} cert
set mpaa [string trim $cert]
set mpaa [htmlcodes $cert]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG cert == $cert" }
## get locations
if { [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Filming Locations:</h4>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy film_locations] } {
set film_locations [string map {"See more" "" » ""} $film_locations]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $film_locations {} film_locations
regsub -all {[\n\s]+} $film_locations { } film_locations
set film_locations [string trim $film_locations]
set film_locations [htmlcodes $film_locations]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG film_locations == $film_locations" }
## get company
if [regexp {<h3>Company Credits</h3>(.*?)</div>} $html dummy company] {
set company [string map {"See more" "" "" » ""} $company]
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $company {} company
regsub -all {[\n\s]+} $company { } company
set company [string trim $company]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG company == $company" }
## get cast
if [regexp {<table class="cast_list">(.*?)</table>} $html dummy cast] {
regsub -all {</tr>.*?<tr.*?>} $cast "\n" cast_multiline
regsub -all {[\n]+} $cast_multiline {} cast_multiline
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $cast_multiline {} cast_multiline
set cast_multiline [string map {"rest of cast listed alphabetically:" \n} $cast_multiline]
set cast_multiline [string trim [join [htmlcodes $cast_multiline]]]
if { $cast_linelimit > 0 } {
set nthoccur [expr [findnth $cast_multiline \n $cast_linelimit] - 1]
if {$nthoccur > 0} {set cast_multiline [string range $cast_multiline 0 $nthoccur]}
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG cast_multiline == $cast_multiline" }
## fill singleline
regsub -all {\n} $cast_multiline " / " cast_line
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG cast_line == $cast_line" }
## get budget
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Budget:</h4> (.*?)</div>} $html dummy budget] {
regsub -all {[\n]+} $budget {} budget
set budget [string map {ˆ ˆ ? ?} $budget]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG budget == $budget" }
## get screens
if [regexp {<h4 class="inline">Opening Weekend:</h4>\n(.*?Screens\))} $html dummy screens] {
regsub -all {[\n]+} $screens { } screens
regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $screens {} screens
set screens [htmlcodes $screens]
if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { putlog "IMDB_DEBUG screens == $screens" }
## output results
#cleaning the end url
set cleanurl [string map {"akas." ""} $newurl]
set output [replacevar $output "%title" $title]
set output [replacevar $output "%aka" $aka]
set output [replacevar $output "%url" $cleanurl]
set output [replacevar $output "%name" $name]
set output [replacevar $output "%genre" $genre]
set output [replacevar $output "%tagline" $tagline]
set output [replacevar $output "%plot" $plot]
set output [replacevar $output "%keywords" $keywords]
set output [replacevar $output "%awards" $awards]
set output [replacevar $output "%comment" $comment]
set output [replacevar $output "%rating" $rating]
set output [replacevar $output "%rbar" $rating_bar]
set output [replacevar $output "%votes" $votes]
set output [replacevar $output "%top250" $top250]
set output [replacevar $output "%mpaa" $mpaa]
set output [replacevar $output "%time" $runtime]
set output [replacevar $output "%country" $country]
set output [replacevar $output "%language" $language]
set output [replacevar $output "%mcolor" $movie_color]
set output [replacevar $output "%aspect" $aspect_ratio]
set output [replacevar $output "%soundmix" $soundmix]
set output [replacevar $output "%cert" $cert]
set output [replacevar $output "%locations" $film_locations]
set output [replacevar $output "%company" $company]
set output [replacevar $output "%budget" $budget]
set output [replacevar $output "%screens" $screens]
set output [replacevar $output "%reldate" $reldate]
set checkvar ""
regexp {.*?%castmline} $output checkvar
if { [expr [regexp -all {%uline} $checkvar] % 2] == 1 } {
set cast_multiline [string map {"\n" "\n%uline"} $cast_multiline]
if { [expr [regexp -all {%bold} $checkvar] % 2] == 1 } {
set cast_multiline [string map {"\n" "\n%bold"} $cast_multiline]
if { [regexp {.*%color([\d]+(?:,[\d]+)?)[^\n]*?%castmline} $checkvar dummy colormline] } {
regsub -all {\n} $cast_multiline "\n%color$colormline" cast_multiline
set output [replacevar $output "%castmline" $cast_multiline]
set output [replacevar $output "%castline" $cast_line]
set output [replacevar $output "%wcredits" $wcredits]
regsub -all {\|[^\|]*?N/A[^\|]*?\|} $output "" output
set output [string map {"||" "|" "|" ""} $output]
regsub -all {\n[\n\s]*\n} $output "\n" output
set output [string trim $output]
set output [replacevar $output "%bold" "\002"]
set output [replacevar $output "%uline" "\037"]
set output [replacevar $output "%bull" "\u2022"]
set output [replacevar $output "%color" "\003"]
set output [encoding convertto utf-8 $output]
foreach line [split [imdb_decode $output] "\n"] {
while {$line != ""} {
puthelp "$toput :[string range $line 0 399]"
set line [string range $line 400 end]
proc wmsg { } {
global warn_msg
set warn_msg 0
proc imdb_decode {text {char "utf-8"} } {
# code below is neccessary to prevent numerous html markups
# from appearing in the output (ie, ", ?, etc)
# stolen (borrowed is a better term) from tcllib's htmlparse ;)
# works unpatched utf-8 or not, unlike htmlparse::mapEscapes
# which will only work properly patched....
set escapes {
\xa0 ¡ \xa1 ¢ \xa2 £ \xa3 ¤ \xa4
¥ \xa5 ¦ \xa6 § \xa7 ¨ \xa8 © \xa9
ª \xaa « \xab ¬ \xac \xad ® \xae
¯ \xaf ° \xb0 ± \xb1 ² \xb2 ³ \xb3
´ \xb4 µ \xb5 ¶ \xb6 · \xb7 ¸ \xb8
¹ \xb9 º \xba » \xbb ¼ \xbc ½ \xbd
¾ \xbe ¿ \xbf À \xc0 Á \xc1 Â \xc2
à \xc3 Ä \xc4 Å \xc5 Æ \xc6 Ç \xc7
È \xc8 É \xc9 Ê \xca Ë \xcb Ì \xcc
Í \xcd Î \xce Ï \xcf Ð \xd0 Ñ \xd1
Ò \xd2 Ó \xd3 Ô \xd4 Õ \xd5 Ö \xd6
× \xd7 Ø \xd8 Ù \xd9 Ú \xda Û \xdb
Ü \xdc Ý \xdd Þ \xde ß \xdf à \xe0
á \xe1 â \xe2 ã \xe3 ä \xe4 å \xe5
æ \xe6 ç \xe7 è \xe8 é \xe9 ê \xea
ë \xeb ì \xec í \xed î \xee ï \xef
ð \xf0 ñ \xf1 ò \xf2 ó \xf3 ô \xf4
õ \xf5 ö \xf6 ÷ \xf7 ø \xf8 ù \xf9
ú \xfa û \xfb ü \xfc ý \xfd þ \xfe
ÿ \xff ƒ \u192 Α \u391 Β \u392 Γ \u393 Δ \u394
Ε \u395 Ζ \u396 Η \u397 Θ \u398 Ι \u399
Κ \u39A Λ \u39B Μ \u39C Ν \u39D Ξ \u39E
Ο \u39F Π \u3A0 Ρ \u3A1 Σ \u3A3 Τ \u3A4
Υ \u3A5 Φ \u3A6 Χ \u3A7 Ψ \u3A8 Ω \u3A9
α \u3B1 β \u3B2 γ \u3B3 δ \u3B4 ε \u3B5
ζ \u3B6 η \u3B7 θ \u3B8 ι \u3B9 κ \u3BA
λ \u3BB μ \u3BC ν \u3BD ξ \u3BE ο \u3BF
π \u3C0 ρ \u3C1 ς \u3C2 σ \u3C3 τ \u3C4
υ \u3C5 φ \u3C6 χ \u3C7 ψ \u3C8 ω \u3C9
ϑ \u3D1 ϒ \u3D2 ϖ \u3D6 • \u2022
… \u2026 ′ \u2032 ″ \u2033 ‾ \u203E
⁄ \u2044 ℘ \u2118 ℑ \u2111 ℜ \u211C
™ \u2122 ℵ \u2135 ← \u2190 ↑ \u2191
→ \u2192 ↓ \u2193 ↔ \u2194 ↵ \u21B5
⇐ \u21D0 ⇑ \u21D1 ⇒ \u21D2 ⇓ \u21D3 ⇔ \u21D4
∀ \u2200 ∂ \u2202 ∃ \u2203 ∅ \u2205
∇ \u2207 ∈ \u2208 ∉ \u2209 ∋ \u220B ∏ \u220F
∑ \u2211 − \u2212 ∗ \u2217 √ \u221A
∝ \u221D ∞ \u221E ∠ \u2220 ∧ \u2227 ∨ \u2228
∩ \u2229 ∪ \u222A ∫ \u222B ∴ \u2234 ∼ \u223C
≅ \u2245 ≈ \u2248 ≠ \u2260 ≡ \u2261 ≤ \u2264
≥ \u2265 ⊂ \u2282 ⊃ \u2283 ⊄ \u2284 ⊆ \u2286
⊇ \u2287 ⊕ \u2295 ⊗ \u2297 ⊥ \u22A5
⋅ \u22C5 ⌈ \u2308 ⌉ \u2309 ⌊ \u230A
⌋ \u230B 〈 \u2329 〉 \u232A ◊ \u25CA
♠ \u2660 ♣ \u2663 ♥ \u2665 ♦ \u2666
" \x22 & \x26 < \x3C > \x3E O&Elig; \u152 œ \u153
Š \u160 š \u161 Ÿ \u178 ˆ \u2C6
˜ \u2DC \u2002 \u2003 \u2009
\u200C \u200D \u200E \u200F – \u2013
— \u2014 ‘ \u2018 ’ \u2019 ‚ \u201A
“ \u201C ” \u201D „ \u201E † \u2020
‡ \u2021 ‰ \u2030 ‹ \u2039 › \u203A
€ \u20AC ' \u0027 "" ""
if {![string equal $char [encoding system]]} { set text [encoding convertfrom $char $text] }
set text [string map [list "\]" "\\\]" "\[" "\\\[" "\$" "\\\$" "\"" "\\\"" "\\" "\\\\"] [string map -nocase $escapes $text]]
regsub -all -- {&#([[:digit:]]{1,5});} $text {[format %c [string trimleft "\1" "0"]]} text
regsub -all -- {&#x([[:xdigit:]]{1,4});} $text {[format %c [scan "\1" %x]]} text
catch { set text "[subst "$text"]" }
if {![string equal $char [encoding system]]} { set text [encoding convertto $char $text] }
return "$text"
putlog "IMDB Info Version 23.08.2011: LOADED"
Code: Select all
<@Bot> Error in search mechanics - you probably need a newer version.