[17:26:54] <Testy> !afk 10 I am a [censored]
[17:26:54] * Minako sets mode: +b *!?testy@216.105.160.*
[17:26:55] <Minako> Away Kick Engaging
[17:26:56] * Testy was kicked by Minako (banned: I am a [censored])
Very strange that it doesnt. Does mean it can be more fun
Screw it, never ever get perfect will it
17:27:48] <Minako> Channel bans for #cometanime: (! = not active, * = not placed by bot)
[17:27:48] <Minako> [ 6] *!?testy@216.105.160.* (expires at 17:36)
[17:27:48] <Minako> Minako: I am a [censored]
[17:27:48] <Minako> Created 17:26
As long as it records it right in the bans, which it does, i am happy. Was just curious why it didnt do the right kick message
What ill do is change the public message
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Enforce Away Engaged, Bantime set to $bantime minutes."
And ill remove the kick message